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Cold Sores and Warts
Remedies and Prevention

by Traute Klein, AKA biogardener

    Cold sores, warts, and calluses all appear to be different problems, but I have found that they can be cured and prevented by the same remedies.

      Disclaimer: The information in this article is not meant to replace medical advice. My opinions are based on personal experience, and I am sharing them for the benefit of readers who may want to explore alternative methods of treatment.

    Connection between Cold Sores and Warts

      I know, I know. You are now convinced that I have fallen off my rocker. Okay, I do love to shock people into paying attention now and then, but this is not a gimmick. There is a connection. Maybe not according to the books, but then I am not a book person. I believe in learning from experience.

      What is the connection? They are both cured by the same nutritional supplement, so I take it that they must be caused by the same deficiency.

    Personal History of Cold Sores and Warts

      As a small child, I used to get something reminiscent of cold sores on the edge of my eyelids. It is called Gerstenkorn in German which means "barley corn," and that is exactly what it looks and feels like. Closing your eyes or blinking is very painful. You don't know how often you actually blink until you have one of these little monsters.

      From age 12 to 14, my hands and wrists were totally covered with warts. As a matter of fact, I had warts growing on top of warts. I tried to count them several times but always lost track. The medical profession knew of no remedy for the problem, and we knew of no homeopath in our city. There were so few men around at that time. Most of them had been killed in action in World War II or were prisoners of war.

      Then, as suddenly as they had appeared, the warts disappeared.

      Two days after I get a dental freezing, I am visited by a whole family of cold sores on the side of the mouth which corresponds to the frozen jaw.

    Virus Problem?

      I am told that all the above problems are caused by viruses. Maybe so, but there must be a reason why I am the only member of my family who has ever experienced any of these symptoms? Why does no one catch the virus from me? There must be something in me which allows it to manifest itself.

    Vitamin B6

      I don't remember why I started to take vitamin B6 many years ago, but I did notice that after taking the supplement, all the above mentioned problems disappeared. Whenever I cut down on the B6, the symptoms soon reappear. I can only gather that the virus attacks people who have a vitamin B6 deficiency.

    Deficiency or Dependency

      I have come to the conclusion that all these problems are the result of a nutritional deficiency. Apparently I have more than a vitamin B6 deficiency. I have a dependency which was caused by a severe deficiency in my growing-up years. A dependency can only be solved by megadoses of the vitamin. The Saskatoon psychiatrist, Dr. Abram Hoffer (now living in Victoria, BC), has done considerable research on the topic of vitamin dependency, and I learned to understand it by listening to him talk, by reading his books, and by talking to a patient under his care.

      I determine the amount of a nutritional supplement by experimenting. When the right amount is reached, the cold sores will stay away. I then reduce the amount, and if the sores return, I increase it again. The maximun dose available in tablets is 250 mg. Any smaller dosage has not helped me.

    Prevention and Cure

    Beside the vitamin B6 supplement, other remedies may be effective in preventing cold sores and warts.
    • L-lysine. Available as tablets of 1000 mg for prevention and in cream for healing. This is an amino acid and it is banned in Canada as are all amino acids. The reason, as has been explained to me, is that people may experience side effects by overuse.
    • Yogurt or acidophilus capsules. Take internally, but I suspect that external use of yogurt may also be effective.
    • Zinc, the healing mineral, available in supplements and in cream, preferably in the German Penaten Creme which also contains witch hazel an antiseptic herb. This cream is found in every German household and is the reason why German babies do not suffer from diaper rash. In Canada, you can buy it in any pharmacy.
    To heal the sores, these cures are recommended in addition to the above preventative measures:
    • Tree Tea Oil. A recent discovery which works very well.
    • Raw garlic. Dab it on.
    • ***Ear wax. Soften it with oil if it is hard and use it on the blister to dry it up.
    • ***Ear wax with Wonder Oil. Dissolve the ear wax by dribbling a couple of drops of Wonder Oil into the ear. Take out with your pinky or with a Q-Tip and apply to the blisters. This is my favorite and most effective treatment along with the previous one.
    • Cold sore lotion. One bottle has lasted my family for 20 years and it has another 20 to go.
    • Instant coffee. Make a paste. This also I have not tried, because I am allergic to coffee.
    • Dandelion juice. Check out my article "Don't fight the dandelions, use them as medicine." Scroll to the subtitle "Warts and Caluses." The article also contains links to other articles on natural remedies.

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