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More Natural Earache Remedies
by Traute Klein, AKA biogardener
These remedies have been contributed by my readers and friends. I have not tested them, because I have learned how to prevent earaches.
The information in this article is not meant to replace medical advice. I am merely sharing remedies which my friends have found effective. The articles with my own favorite remedies and with my suggestions for prevention are linked below.
From Jill Manzoni
While I was writing this article, Jill had an earache, and she used Tea Tree Oil to get rid ot it.
Jill is manages several topics at WebSeed, including Holistic Health Corner.
From Jerri Brooker
My mother used to put Oil of Cloves in our ears!
Jerri is the editor of Washington State.
In answer to Jerri's suggestion, I wrote the following reply:
Jerri, cloves are antiseptic. You can tell that when you chew them. They draw your mouth together even more that echinacea does. Cloves are the #1 remedy for toothache, because they have a numbing effect. Toothache remedies which you buy in the pharmacy are oil of cloves.
Eardrop Recipe
I am subscribed to the Natural Remedy Tips, and here is an eardrops recipe:
- Mullein flowers
- Olive oil
- Garlic cloves
Place a cup of mullein flowers in a cup of olive oil in a small pan. Let the olive oil cover the flowers. Heat at a very low temperature for several hours, remembering that you only want to extract the beneficial elements from the mullein, not cook it. Put several cloves of garlic in the batch for the second hour. When you can smell the fragrance of the mullein, cool the mixture and strain it well. When you are ready to use it, shake it and use a dropper to put 5-10 drops into the outer ear. Keep your head tilted to allow the oil to penetrate, then you can place a piece of cotton in your ear to keep the oil from leaking out onto your clothing or your pillow. (by Carla Joy)
This method sounds too fussy for me, when I know so many simple and effective remedies.
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Earache and Its Causes
More Natural Earache Remedies tested and recommended by friends and readers.
Good Old Mustard Plaster Used correctly, this traditional method will help you to breathe easily in spite of respiratory problems.
Garlic, Wonder Drug Garlic has all the best properties of a food as well as of a medicine. It is one of the most powerful and safest natural remedies, and I have discovered it as a lifesaver for respiratory emergencies.