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Athlete's Foot and Other Fungus Infections
by Traute Klein, AKA biogardener
Fungus infections are caused by insufficient airflow and moisture. They are easily cured by a change in pH.
A Matter of pH
Fungus infections, whether in plants or people, are dependent on a certain level of pH to survive. The remedies are simple, because they only require a change of the pH level. It has to be raised or lowered. Either way will work, but they may not both offer the same level of comfort.
Plant Fungus
The most common plant fungus disease is powdery mildew. The spores are carried in the wind. They grow on plants under the right conditions of excess moisture and insufficient air circulation. The problem can be prevented by spraying the susceptible plants once every 2 weeks with either diluted vinegar or a weak baking soda solution. Either one should have some soap dissolved in it to help the liquid to adhere to the leaves. Try to spray when the plant is dry and there is no rain in the immediate weather forecast.
People Fungus
Fungus infections in people are also caused by insufficient air circulation and moisture. They develop in spots on the body which are covered by clothes and which tend to perspire. Sometimes these infections are misdiagnosed as a yeast intolerance and treated with expensive prescriptions when a dab of cider vinegar would have done the trick.
Athlete's foot is probably the best known. Another one is nail fungus. Both of them appear in men more frequently than in women, because men are more likely to wear closed shoes. Women are more likely to wear open sandals. I wear thongs all summer long which is just as good as being barefoot. That is the best way to prevent fungus diseases of the feet.
Apple cider vinegar is probably the easiest remedy. I like to dab it on straight and let it dry rather than diluting it in a foot bath. For the toenail fungus, it can also be painted on with a watercolor paint brush when you do not have a chance to dip the whole toe in vinegar. Any vinegar will change the pH, but raw apple cider vinegar has the advantage of live enzymes which help to digest organisms. Homemade vinegars, of course, have the same advantage, provided that they have not been heated. White vinegar is produced by distillation, and all enzymes have been killed by the heat.
Natural vitamin A from fish liver oil prevents or relieves infection. One application is usually sufficient. Repeat the application untul the symptoms subside. Vitamin A + D in an oil base can also be used. It is really concentrated fish liver oil. Straight cod liver oil can also be used, but it is not as strong and will not work quite as fast, so the application has to be repeated until the desired results are achieved.
Wet clay is the #1 poison and infection antidote which has been handed down to me by the North American natives living on the shores of Lake Winnipeg. It is a secret remedy which was known only to shamans. Smear it on the affected areas, stick the foot in a plastic bag, put on a sock, and go to bed. The next morning, wash it off and repeat the next night if necessary. That will cure the most acute infection, including poison ivy. If necessary, you can continue with the vitamin A or cider vinegar cure which can be used in the daytime more readily.
Raw garlic
A slice of raw garlic will fight infection, but it might burn sensitive skin if left on too long, so it may not be advisable to leave on overnight.
Black walnut, tree tea oil, and other herbal remedies have been recommended by people who have tried them, but I cannot speak from experience. Black walnut hull powder is supposed to be antifungal, but it is also poisonous, and many people get a rash from it. I would therefore not recommend it. The other remedies are too expensive and probably don't work any better than the inexpensive ones which I use, so I would not advise you to use them unless you already have them in the house.
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