

Robby Rush

Robby Rush is a self-described "ex-witch" turned Sothern Baptist Evangelist.
His main claim to fame is posting messages of salvation on various Satanic message boards.
He's made many dubious claims in the past, including that he has assisted police at various sites of "occult crimes", and is also fanatically opposed to several Christian sects including the Mormons, Catholics and Jehovah's Witnesses.
I begin the correspondence with a series of analytical guesses based on things I've seen him write in past, and move into a series of emotionally based accusations, hoping to bring out as much as I can in the conversation from the outset.
His response shows that he didn't understand the original message, but simply scanned the letter for buzzwords and made guesses of his own.
The conversation progressed, but, just when it was close to where I was expecting it to get good, Robby backed out of this and every other correspondence he was involved with, using a rather lame tale of censorship initiated by, of all people, The Church Of Satan.
The letters, first installment.

Second installment.

Third and final installment.

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