
How many colors are hidden within the shards of light? How many spectrums do we never see when we are looking at the world
through simple eyes that use reflections as a means for truth?

I believe that the human eye can not be completely trusted with the immensity of the prism of light that radiates from the sun. Neither do I think that the world can be assumed in black and white motifs; ignoring the beauty of the kaleidoscope.

What is the concept of the kaleidoscope, you ask? Well, it is something that I hold onto as if it were my religion, although this concept doesn't require donations or self denial. In fact, the devotion to see in colors is very much about being one's self. It is the idea that no matter what color you are, what age, what nationality, what religion, what gender, or anything at all that makes a person their own - you are beautiful and simply part of the grand kaleidoscope of the universe.

This concept can be applied to anything. Consider music... or any form of art - the greatest creations are made when the creator has knowledge of the spectrum of colors! The colors of sound... The colors of thought... The colors of emotion... and this, I believe, is the true "salvation" for humanity. The only possible way for humanity to evolve into an enlightened species is if it finally understands and adores the infinite splendor of living.


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