What's the only thing you can't bear to lose in your life ? Family ? friends ? career ? men ? women ? what happens when you need to give them priorities (only one choice !) ?? Oh I think I've watched too many video tapes today. July 18, 1998. (Face off / mimic / The replacement killer / the Jackal / the fifth element) Saturday for what ? watching movies.
July 26, 1998 (Sunday)
Sunday, reading sinanet books. those articles from Hong Kong people, touched my heart again and again... what kind of person I am ?? have you ever thought what kind of person you REALLY are ?
Spend lifetime to discover who I am, spend lifetime to lead a life I want, but in the end what I got ? GONE with the wind, ashes. I was born to suffer, not to enjoy, try to find joy in pains, taste the happiness in tortures. If brain stops to think of things other than food and sleep, it would be perfect, but it won't work ! because can't stop brain thinking !! too bad.. knowledge might help to solve those unsolved puzzles in life, HOPE so.
What's love ? something you need to have in life ? BS ! Living is the first thing you need to worry about. Only family love is something you can't live without after birth.
山川載不動太多悲哀,歲月禁不起太長的等待, 愛到不能愛,聚到終需散,繁華過後成一夢啊
不要問我從那裡來,我的故鄉在遠方,為什麼流浪,流浪遠方,流浪. 為了山間清流的小溪,為了寬闊的草原,為了夢中的橄欖樹
繁花綠叢中,又見鴻雁飛過,驚起我的舊夢,往事心頭湧, 遙想當年舊情濃,相識無人懂,今日相去,何年何月再相逢
有一份憂,有一份喜,還有一份迷離,像一個夢,像一個謎,像神話一樣美麗, 輕輕的風,細細的雨,激起了愛的漣漪,只想你,忘了自己,陶醉在愛河裡.
其實你就是我自己 - 對一個自戀的人來說,愛自己是一輩子不會忘記的事.