Louise Riotte is the gardening author whose experience, wisdom and flair for writing captivated my attention when I was starting my own garden. Her companion planting methods have been quoted in every book on the topic. Her best-seller, "Carrots Love Tomatoes, Secrets of Companion Planting for Successful Gardening," sells out as fast as it can be printed. Here is my introductory article on companion planting. Ordering Amazon products from a link on this website helps to me to pay my expenses in keeping up this website. Amazon pays a small percentage of their proceeds to the seller. So far, I have earned exactly $25 in 7 years.
Companion planting reference for vegetable, tree, shrub, and herb gardening. Charming reading.
Astrological Gardening
Landscaping with Wildflowers
Companion planting guide to protect your investment in ornamental gardening, e.g. rose bushes.
Catfish Ponds & Lily Pads
Sleeping with a Sunflower
Well organized reference, not for enjoyable reading.
Bird Gardening Book
Sacred Ground to Sacred Space
© Traute Klein, biogardener
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