Louise Riotte Books

    Carrots Love Tomatoes
    Companion planting reference for vegetable, tree, shrub, and herb gardening. Charming reading.

    Astrological Gardening
    If you have tried these methods, let me know.

    Landscaping with Wildflowers
    An Environmental Approach to Gardening. An approach which is catching on.

    Roses Love Garlic
    Companion planting guide to protect your investment in ornamental gardening, e.g. rose bushes.

    Catfish Ponds & Lily Pads
    To help plan and tend water gardens and ponds.

    Sleeping with a Sunflower
    A Treasury of Old-Time Gardening Lore. A great present to give to any gardener who loves to read.

    Rodale's All-New Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening
    Well organized reference, not for enjoyable reading.

    Bird Gardening Book
    Creating a Bird-Friendly Habitat in Your Backyard.

    Sacred Ground to Sacred Space
    Visionary Ecology, Perennial Wisdom, Environmental Ritual and Art.

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