Some of our newest Member Sites:
(updated frequently, so come back often!)

Finnish Air Traffic Controllers Association
Finnish Air Traffic Controllers Association

Official homepage of ATC-association representing 90% of finnish ATCO´s in professional and union matters. Founder member of IFATCA
Norwegian Air Traffic Controllers' Association
Norwegian Air Traffic Controllers' Association

The Official site of the Norwegian Air Traffic Controllers' Association

Providing information and links for Air Ttaffic Services providers in the UK.

ATC & Airport services company employing ATCOs for UK airports. We employ 42 staff on 13 UK airports
ICNA - French Air Traffic Controllers
ICNA - French Air Traffic Controllers

ICNA (Ingénieur du Contrôle de la Navigation Aérienne, that means french ATC engineers)
German Community-Site for Flight- and ATC-Crew
German Community-Site for Flight- and ATC-Crew

The CrewPortal-Site is an independant service to (not only) german language crewmember serving mailaddresses, webpresence, forums, chat, information and customized online-applications
Airport Webcams Worldwide
Airport Webcams Worldwide

Collection of more than 40 webcams on airports around the world. Listen live to the communications between pilots and air traffic controllers.


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Michael Panagiotopoulos

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