Here you can find (and copy) the necessary code for the Ring Navtool.
Just choose from our three types the one you prefer and paste it on your Home Page or, alternatively, another page properly linked to the Home (front) Page.

In order to become operational, the Navtool must be "activated" by the Ring Manager. So, when you're ready don't forget to email the Ring Manager to activate your membership!

Ah, yes. Don't forget to substitute YOURID with your own id number in order to personalise the Navtool!

Navtool 1:

<!--- Navtool 1 starts here---> <img src="" width="160" height="71" usemap="#Map" border="0"><map name="Map"><area shape="rect" coords="2,48,49,63" href=";id=YOURID;action=prev" target="_blank" alt="Previous Site" title="Previous Site"><area shape="rect" coords="50,48,76,62" href=";id=YOURID;action=next" target="_blank" alt="Next Site" title="Next Site"><area shape="rect" coords="77,48,110,66" href=";id=YOURID;action=next5" target="_self" alt="Next 5 Sites" title="Next 5 Sites"><area shape="rect" coords="111,47,132,63" href=";action=list" target="_self" alt="List Sites " title="List Sites "><area shape="rect" coords="133,47,157,63" href="" target="_blank" alt="Add Site to the Ring" title="Add Site to the Ring"><area shape="rect" coords="4,5,154,38" href="" target="_blank" alt="ATC Ring Home" title="ATC Ring Home"></map>
<!--- Navtool 1 ends here--->

Navtool 2:

<!--- Navtool 2 starts here---> <CENTER><P><A HREF="" target="_blank"><IMG SRC="" ALT="ATC Webring Home" HSPACE=5 BORDER=0 HEIGHT=29 WIDTH=166 ALIGN=CENTER></A></P></CENTER> <CENTER><P><FONT SIZE="-2">[ <I><A HREF=";id=YOURID;action=prev5">Previous 5 Sites</A> | <A HREF=";id=YOURID;action=prev" target="_blank">Previous</A> | <A HREF=";id=YOURID;action=next" target="_blank">Next</A> | <A HREF=";id=YOURID;action=next5">Next 5 Sites</A> | <A HREF=";action=rand" target="_blank">Random Site</A> | <A HREF=";action=list">List Sites</A> | <A HREF="">Add a Site</A></I> ]</FONT></P></CENTER> <!--- Navtool 2 ends here--->

Navtool 3:

<!--- Navtool 3 starts here---><div align="center"><table border="0" width="290"><tr><td height="70" align="center" valign="middle"><div align="center"><table border="0" align="center"><tr><td width="52" height="66" align="left" valign="top"><p><font size="1"><a href=";id=YOURID;action=prev" target="_blank">Previous</a><br><a href=";id=YOURID;action=prev5">Previous&nbsp;5</a><br><a href=";action=rand" target="_blank">Random</a><br><a href="">Add&nbsp;Site</a></font></p></td><td width="171" height="66" align="center" valign="middle"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="ATC Webring Home" hspace=2 vspace=4 border=0 height=29 width=166 align=CENTER></a></td><td width="49" height="66" align="right" valign="top"><font size="1"><a href=";id=YOURID;action=next" target="_blank">Next</a><br><a href=";id=YOURID;action=next5">Next&nbsp;5</a><br><a href=";action=list">List&nbsp;Sites</a><br><a href="">Add&nbsp;Site</a></font></td> </tr></table></div></td></tr></table></div><!--- Navtool 3 ends here--->

Here's what they look like (examples showing for site ID=1):

Navtool 1

Previous SiteNext SiteNext 5 SitesList Sites Add Site to the RingATC Ring Home

Navtool 2

ATC Webring Home

[ Previous 5 Sites | Previous | Next | Next 5 Sites | Random Site | List Sites | Add a Site ]

Navtool 3

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Michael Panagiotopoulos

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