The Wild World of Batwoman

This film was made in 1966 to cash in on the success of Batman. Completely unauthorized by
DC Comics or the TV show, the not-surprising legal problems caused the film to be released as
She Was a Hippy Vampire!

Fodder for Mystery Science Theater 3000, Batwoman has a Dick Tracy-type wrist radio with which she keeps in touch with her bevy of buxom, gun-toting Bat Girls. Although everyone seems to know where Batwoman lives, her ability to conduct seances does put John Edwards to shame!

Batwoman watches the Bat Girls "train."

The villains trick the Bat Girls into drinking a potion that causes uncontrollable - - - dancing!

One of the Bat Girls - captured!

Batwoman's second-in-command

Bat Girls in chains!

Bat Girls menaced by Rat Fink!

This movie is so bad that it even used stock footage from another MS3K target, The Mole People, to try to liven up the proceedings. The latter film, made ten years earlier, is noteworthy in that
Alan Napier had a starring role!

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