"-Make a dross(protection) around the Law"
(the preach of our fathers, -from the Bible).

"Judicial activity" princip, -only in Israel.

Critic the wronging, absurdity official legal conception,
-using as tools of injustice, rampage and social violence.
-It is Human Right defending !
Read my Proposals- for secure Civil Rights in Israel.
-Please Encourage me against rampage of tyranny!

"Dakar" is here!

- My name is
Boris Dobrovensky.

E-mail! Call!
to amend
-The description of my page is Polemic:
-Do the -"JUDICIAL ACTIVITY"; -it's Scientific or It's a Roguery?

-The Topics:
  1. The "JUDICIAL ACTIVITY" -what it's ??.
  2. The Teodor Ohr Supreme Court -COMMISSION!
    contrary the democratic society principle.
  3. A proposal -to amend the judicial procedure.
  4. -The -PLAN -of discuss:
  5. -Subjudice and the freedom of conscience.
  6. "The Court's Status in Democratic Society.
  7. -Discuss fragments -of Israeli judiciary,
  8. -They warn us: as if -critic the judgment
    will cause a courts' destroy..
    • -Do the king was die?! -Viva the new king!
  9. Cases:

  10. Seeking an ATTORNEY for legal help !
  11. Human Rights Org Links. in building
  12. Would You seen any MISTAKE here, please sign.

-Attention! -Dear Citizen!

"Judicial activity"
in realty contains
a public danger, as
conspiracy and rampage.

-The purpose of court
to watch lawfulness,
-no deprive the law.

-Before to draw the
conclusion, -should
 study the cases of
the court's rampage!

-The cases of wrong
behavior of some judges
would given you the
question that requests
an logical explaining.

-Suddenly You will see
that a society turmoil
initiatives in court.
(-I sure, there is the
grave of the doggie.)

-The injustice is a factor cause a society demoralizing and social violence. -----------

-No worry. At worst the
honest critic could cause to changing the wrong judiciary system by advance system and bring new, honest faces in our court.

-I am seeking Advocate help
me to present in Israeli
Supreme Court petition for
nullify the wrong -verdict
-that deprive the Law.

-Considering a petition in the
International Court for Justice
-against tendentious judgment and
lawless prevention receive my
petition in Israeli Supreme Court.
-It is Human Right defending !

-The abuse, the health damage with annihilation my life,
-all cases that I tell here, are caused without any little reason !
-But always the criminal offenders were secured by judges.

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-I am a victim of the social violence that is growing
in our country on the ground of ethnic intolerance.
-I have been injured physically and mentally up to
100% invalidity no only because heavy metal poisoning,
but because mutual conspire in corrupt medicine;

-In the helpless situation I could not defend myself
because existing of mutual -conspire in all society
area include the court as I -prove by proofs.
-The Israeli oligarchy together caused me invalidity.

-A group of lawyers with media persuade the public as if we have the High Court for Justice as unique in the world -open before each citizen for using as tools for defending rights the weak citizen against government's rampage.. -Unique in the world!..? -I wish warn the people from eyewash: - because in the real(!) these men closed the doors of High Court( with the nice name "Justice" ) extremely before a weak groups people as I am; -they gave not me even to advent before their -honour judges! -Then I suffered because the men of the court uses the power as a factor of conspiracy and injustice. -This hypocrisy will be -unmasking here.

"-as you sow, you shall mow!"

"JUDICIAL ACTIVITY" conception in Israeli court;

-Critic of the wrong conception.
 -The concept "judicial activity" in Israeli court,
has proclaimed by the Israeli Supreme Court chief,
A. Barak; -under this idea a judge may does judgment
under -his conscience and understanding of justice.

 -We wish attend as the perception "judicial activity"
 no were proved by any scientific method (-I no know).

  • "Judicial activity" and International Law (-The difference with Local Court function). -"What is permissible for Jupiter, is forbidden for ox!"
  • -What seeks for our chief: -the justice or the power??
There principle difference between the International Court judicial activism with the Local Court function: -The International Court "judicial activity", as its authority given by the United Nation Organization institutes for action in cases as sanction against countries that rules by racist laws, or rules by dictators regime, or against aggressors, or as action against the discriminately judgment (as caused me), against injustice or tendentious wrong verdicts given in Local Courts as deprive the Human Rights principle..etc. -Here activism is a natural notion. -Please take Attention: -The activism of International court is adequate with activism of his sovereign and the Law.

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-In the case of World Court, when is reading "activism" realty we mind executing the Law, -no any freelance to do judgment as deprive with law. -The International court no takes initiative to conflict against his legislator, or do revision the International law. -Because it is absurdism. -For revision the International Law existing relevant forums nominated by United Nations. -We wish attend that even his specific state, the International Court acts carefully under the law given by his sovereign, -the world organization. -On the same principle have act the judgment of a Local Court (Israeli court); -do Carefully accordance the law, given by his parliament. Otherwise the society could turn be a victim of the court rampage or more badly. -So, when our lawyers wish take for itself the authority -analogical to the International Court, as they places itself in any situation of absurd (As Government acts against lawfully Government). -We have attend that we oppose with the hypocrisy "activism" of Israeli High Court chief Aharon Barak, -as he try take for itself using the authority like the area of international court for Human Rights; -Of course, some of our lawyers wish use the same notions as ("judicial activism") for legitimization the Israeli court rampage against the voted parliament and against citizen sought his justice and rights by the law in our court, -then the legislator have not give any option, that would be given a possibility to hurt a Citizen Rights. -Would we do analogy with World Courts activism, there is contrarines between these two situation: -The International Court acts against Countries and the Local Courts, where has deprive the Human Rights or hurts the International Law. -But in Israeli realty the same notion has absurdism: -It causes a public deception, when the conflicted site, that she personally is the theoretical (as potential and as real) factor and purpose of the International Human Rights Court action (as the real or potential offender), takes for itself the right for "judicial activism" in his country and so take ability for causing a wrong judgment oppose the Law. -So he take for itself the function of legislator instead the voted parliament together with function as judge for itself, for his judges and for his folk. -Even the historical tyrants has not so much power. -I sure that the real destiny of these "inventors" of "judicial activism" is secure their individual egoistic interest of their clan, that meantime have a dominance state in our country. -For understanding the truth and justice of my plea it needs to study the evidence of realty. -Others the casuistry of some our lawyers liable cause digression from discuss to the point.

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-It is the Israeli absurdism; -The interesting functionaries from Israeli court by casuistry hypocrisy comments mixes difference notions as they games with focus-pocus. -But in cases of the International Court activism against Countries and the Local Courts, where was deprive the Human Rights or the International Law, the authority of World Court bases on fulfillment of the International Law, and the International Court activity go adequate with decisions and principle his sovereign, -Unites Nation Organization (-no itself). -Then it minds as a natural and logical initiative. -Partly, the purpose of the International Court be the Law against the local "judicial activism" as it causes by the Israeli court chief in much of his offender cases in the realty. -But In oppose to International Court condition, the "judicial activity" by local court is lawless. -In Israeli court the same "judicial activism" seen as refined cynicism when the offender dress his acts in suit of liberalism, humane defender. -There illustration of using the terminology of the International court for take more power; -but after all, the excessive power using for rampage the community by casta's oligarchy. -I sure that in all events the function of a court is watching the law of his country. -The function of the judge's colleague, is watching the law as guarantee for equality. -The Israeli first judge try persuade his opponents that the "judicial activism" privilege needs for defending the Human rights of the feeble public !? -About what secure Human Rights here are reading: -If under a husk secure Human Rights the chief with some his colleagues from the Israeli court are causing tendentious violence of the Procedural Law, as these law is conventional by -International Law.
-Would better if the honorables will stop their eyewash as though they need the "judicial activity" principle as tools for secure Human Rights! --The proofs that I remind, is seen that growing the power and given a free hand for judge and absent any sibility of them, causing more possible for rampage and injustice judgment. (-As causing abuse and rampage against me). ( -It is my situation Exactly, because I wish to submit petition against the Israeli Supreme Court functionaries, against lawless activism as deprive the Human Rights and deprive the law, as bound with hypocrisy legalization rampage for causing lawlessness, injustice, inequality between citizen, as I prove.) -Do not forget, as we manage here no vain polemic about any scholastic problems, but remember, that with the "judicial activity" casuistry of our courts' chief there bounding causes of wounded destiny, life, health, freedom of much people. There is a long gallery of injustice wounded citizens(victims). Where there the humane moral?! -This cases shows the real of "judicial activism"! -The nature and the purpose of court to watch a law of his country and equality for citizens; -The judge could no take legislator's function, as forbidden causing judicial rampage in court.

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  • Sir Professor, where there your researches proves for needs of yours "judicial activity"!? -Why it?! -Up this moment -in "activistic" phraseology of our court chief A. Barak no was disclosed nothing from science foundation his tesis "judicial activism", but the chief declared in all occasions as each-one, who oppose to his "judicial activism" perception, -he is a person absent understanding in science of the advance(!) democracy !... -We wish oppose to sir A. Barak that his declaration absent proves or research is not science, it seen as demagogy, event demagogy of exclusively personage. -The court chief -personal no tried does any science experience for base the strange "activity" invention. -It simply, the chief gave not any argue for defend his "child" because a simply reason: -the "judicial activity" here is an adventure, then these invention is absurd from its born, and so the notion can not have the scientist or logical explaining or proving. -Then the chief instead to give the science prove; -uses by the shocking Human Rights terms as toreador uses with red kerchief, and so stand up itself in pose of liberal, human rights defender.

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    -In other hand, in purpose to palsy his opponents the chief uses the wild words attack; when he declare with hypocrisy as the critic of "judicial activism" could does only a not understand the science people. -The chief adds to his phrase few words from -human rights popular lexicon for neutralize any opponents of his "judicial activity", with these words finished his "scientific"... -I wish remind that it's reading not only about opposition of any engineer, but this phrase directed against much learned lawyers, as most of they has told against the "judicial activity", as anti -scientist -perception. -It's understanding that the misters' A. Barak opponents wishes no look as no learned man under wild word's attacks of the chief justice. -No one can not to fight against the man that votes for Human Rights defending. -Realty there absent any science basis with absent any purpose of Human Rights defending. -For better understanding the truth of liberalism or hypocrisy this man, you have study his "liberal" written in Supreme Court judgement, and compare it with source and with evidences.

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    -Author of this message is an engineer as fail -a victim of prey hate of several Israeli judges. -A little part of damage cases are given -here. I wish explain to public a philosophical vacuum and absurdity of "judicial activity" perception. -I will disclose the public danger consist in the hypocrisy using here by Human Rights terms. -I warn the public from basis mistake of explanation and observation and a difference between a hypocrisy declaration of purpose of the notion "judicial activity" with a cruel realty because existing negation between a false "liberal" declaration with a real anti-society action this man. -Injustice sometime is equivalent with a murder.

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  • - In advance democratical society systems -The legislators functions of parliament are separated from the executive power institute. -Abuse the 1972 jew Russian immigrant..Why?! -It's need know that even in the Supreme Court the proceedings is no managing carefully. -In all my cases, -or it wasn't written nothing, -or it was edited falsity text by judges. -Even in my half-hour assertion in crime file session in Supreme Court no was record even a word of defender. -It was cynicism vulgarly, -nothing from liberalism. -A little part of damage cases are given -here. -The eyewash disturbs for public to seen and understand the tyranny acts causes by our court. -We wish attend that author this message has no pretension of absolutely right formulating in observation and critic the "judicial activism" concept because to much reasons; include a mistakes in the English language impression; -then if my reader see any mistake, please contact me; -Your opinion will be accept with thanks and the mistakes will be correct while disclosing. Please -

    Contact me

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    The Plan of discussion:

    In short time I plane translate the formulation of the authors "judicial activity" conception of the Israeli judiciary, as"judicial activity", "court dominance" and the"court independence". -Then will be given our critic as logical checking each phrase told by a "judicial activity" founders. We sure as the false "perception" will be destroyed. - Meanwhile we live the critic as it were till now. - I mind as even the old text, our previous critic message no left a place for "judicial activity" conception in advance democratic society. -Of course, the concept "judicial activity" continued annoy the community is any absurdism that possible only because cheating the folk by -conspiracy of corrupted our oligarchy. -Please read my message as it written before: - "Meanwhile": - Would you wish understand what happened in our judiciary or wish do the right squalor, as you have study the cases of violation that I suffered -only because the judges hate and typanny acts. -Here you will found the right answer on the question who need the "judicial activity" lie.

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    -But before we will busy with mister A. Barak's
    ideas we will remind several of foundations of a
    world democratical systems concepts:
    ( as we understand it. )
    1. - In advance democratical society systems -The legislators functions of parliament are separated from the executive power institute.
    2. -The law is obligatory for one and all, equally.
    3. -No any privilege for judge relative other citizen.
    4. The judges job is to fulfil the law as it given.
    5. -The comment has in the law is prefer of any judges comments given in any verdict.
    6. -him in the law is written: -"permits" then the legislator meant -"mandatory to be executed".
    7. -If the law gave an authority, then the legislator meant that as obligatory for action.
    8. -if in the law was given privilege for citizen as social help or housing for repatriated, could no be any agreement eliminates these given rights.
    9. -If the law secure the rights of litigants about record the proceedings in trial, then could not be transcription damage or eliminate these rights.
    10. -The court could no busy with giving a laws or change the law or it comment written in the law.
    11. -The court is a society institute for watch the lawfulness, as equality of each citizen before law.
    12. -In several countries for neutralization a possibility of court's tyranny and in other hand for securing the society from parliamentarian intrigue cases has established a legislator's consultative court, as institute independence from court and independence from parliament. Please pay attention:
    13. -All advance democratical systems secure the democracy freedom of their society by limiting the judges authority in few ways(!): -We remind here the jury judiciary system of USA, or obligatory public deputy presence in time of trial. -It is a factors of the experience of world justice.
    14. -In parliamentary democracy the parliament as elected by the people institute is the sovereign. -The court is a hand of the Law.

    About the courts' independence
    -Should not be Court independence from parliament,
    -It's clear, that each judge is independent and has
    immunity always, -up to point he watches the law.
    -No more of this. As each citizen.

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    -Accordance to the International experience and Law of Human Rights and Dignity we offer to improve our judiciary system by take -Law Proposals.

    ( The old text of "judicial activity").
    -The arguments of judicial activism consist:
    -as if the judge see the legislator issue a law,
    wronging the democratic principle (in subjective
    judge's fancy(!), then a judge has the authority
    to give a judgement opposite to the law....
    ( all for human right sentry(!) (even the judge
    consider opposite to parliament(!))..
    -so has selling the new idea for Israeli people.

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    -The conception based(essentially) on the professor's free fancy as if our court is independent from the political administration(as if the court is any ideal justice machine and as if all our judges are straights, ideal persons).
    -Professor M. Kremnitzer yet suggested to pass the privilege of witness examine from advocates to judges. -Really these change would given the judge a free hand for rampage, conspiracy and corruption. -It is very strange as the famous scientist no checked as researcher if his proposals are right.
    -On the other hand, it is a surprise for each educate man to accept that a researcher talks his postulates without relation on philosophical beginnings of the court and without scientific or logical expertise.

    Would you read the real cases -from trials Then you would understand that the freedom and the civil rights are not secured here.

    ..As well, under a general society conception all working people are liability for his trade, although presidents of their countries; -therefore there is society surprise that a personage from exclusive public statement, who take a biggest pay from the society, -has not any responsibility..for his job
    -Then the clever persons wish secure for itself as these privilege condition will left till to all time of their life and will pass for they children.
    -It's possible only in specificity Israeli democracy. -Did not here seen any anachronistic and negations?! -You do not feel a facile into a comedy of absurdism!?

    -It's clearly, that these society situation couldn't be and continued without encourage of rule part of community, that have a public power influence. -Did who is they are, our society oligarchy? -Did why the system of judges nomination is given in hands of nine men from the advocates bureau only and there is absent any voted influence of the folk? Did what the real reasons for "judicial activism" that go in spite to the Rule of Law concept? -Did who has commented the folk the wrong sites of given the non controlled power for any judge? -Did why the society has given for judges this job up to age of natural degeneration, as if we live as yet in epoch of monarchy, when the emperor has have the power given the titles for his family or his friends; -or as if the judges collegium is a casta of sacramental people? -Therefore exist a needing for discussion on the "judicial activity" conception as a public affair because tie with human right defence problems in Israel and may be the discussion would prevent a mistakes in other countries. -But the discussion on problematic propositions detached from facts(of the reality) will cause wrong consequences, it would cause a conceptions harmful for people, contrasting to our Human Rights condition and opposite to Human dignity Law. -I sure publication of facts sometimes occurring in our court will help prevent big mistakes in this discussion; -the evidences will not enable turn it in casuistry. Really: -a citizen sometimes is helpless against abuse; -you will see proves in my and other citizen's cases. -If a wrong judgement is possible now against me, tomorrow it could happen with You or with other citizen; -then the concept "judicial activity" contain a public danger! My purpose to examining the perception of "judicial activity" with the facts of our life and the relations with democratic principles and human rights defense conceptions and justice. -Only facts may show who is a liberal and who is the hypocrites. But I sure that my witness will arise a public interest in discussing problems, will effect revision of false postulates and cause changes in the blunder perceptions.

    -My impression of the "judicial activity" idea:

    -The perception that the Israeli court is independent from political administration is very impressive but not exactly. -Let's remind that great part of our parliament members are lawyers with corporate interest, mentality and bias. These circumstances lites to forward the satisfactory laws for interrelated lawyer's community. -The judge's nomination commission consists of jurists. -Really, these circumstances makes possibility for patronage by judge nomination, as interest negation.

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    A no long time ago in the press were adverse on existing patronage by judge's nominations. Is known cases of corruption in this guild. All agree that a judge is a human being only. Not any Angel. Therefrom in my opinion: As there are not proofs for hypothesis of an ideal judge, as there is nobody, have the right to sale for public a legend on judge's authority to decide against of the law. The impression from practice give me the ambition to declare that our parliament granted the judges excessive authority; -also problematic is the trial session by public exclusion, and other exclusive plenty of rope for judges transgression. -Real, the rules as judge is free to edit a wrong session records and the litigants are helpless against judge's remissness, gives stimulation for judicial corruption. -Reality our judge has no responsibility for his decision! -Aside from a danger of tendentious trial, the trial without jury enable for cause whitens for felony(!). -Plenty of felony has turning to white after few years. -For any "interesting persons" it is OKAY condition, but the quest if the public interest is watched?!?

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    -I mind that the jurisdiction of "judicial activity" may cause the lawyers rampage and tyranny now and in the future. This conception can turn into an antidemocratic Trojan Horse.

    I am not against the right of a judge discussing the law;
    but in opposite to the administration's conception I sure
    -the trial is not the place for the revision of the law;
    for this purpose exists the democratic institutes, -they
    and public have the authority on law critic and revision.
    I believe the court process must be under public control,
    as it conventional in USA, in Europeans democracies.
    The Human Right Watch impossible without obedience to law.
    The parliament is indebted to enact on judge's
    responsibility for normal trial management according
    to the law and for watch the citizen's equality.
    -Only in this way would be reassure the human
    rights, the public justice and the Person's Dignity.
    I believe the judge should initiate his activity in
    the court by guard on the Law and guard the equality
    before the law, -otherwise we open the door for
    danger of corruption and for public anarchy.
    The law give for every person right on justice trial.
    -The trial without juries or witnesses opens a
    possibility for injustice and for using the court
    for violence a person and for cause injustice.
    The trial without juries or witnesses opens a
    possibility for using the court to whiten the felony.

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    Next Time I will explain how occurs me incrimination by means of Haifa's judge and by the police.
    -We ask pay the public attention now: -What you read before about -verdict CrAp 220/83 -It is a real impression of the "judicial activity" (as the offender deprive the International Law and abuse the man and the Human Rights by wrong verdict). -Meanwhile the verdict is active and wait for victims. -It is an apogees of mutual conspire does by court! -In my cause the "liberals" from our court were act(several times) in other way, they closed before me with my petitions the doors of Supreme Court. "Amidar's" Trial and others
    - As you familiarity the verdict of two previous our court's ex-chiefs, -maybe they were the real kindred fathers of the Israeli perception "judicial activity", ..may be there were other parents for long before.
    -Now it prove that mister A. Barak de-facto wrote on his name a child of others (He no was first there!). A good people! -Please give your opinion on "judiciary activity" concept. Contact me.
    Welcome SIGN my Guest Book.
    VIEW my Guest Book.

    E-Mail me Now doboris@hotmail.com
    My address: -Boris Dobrovensky,
    Harotem 49 apt 35, Haifa 35843, Israel;
    phone: (972) 4 859 8270.;

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