-It was for long time ago, I could say now
that before my eyes it passed generations and
epochs of mankind by changing one the second.
-I remember samtime the pictures of passed in
prism of my childhood vision and world war..
-The world war take our rouse childhood;
the howling of the falling bombs in ones night
make us from a children in an adult people.
...I remember good my Grandmother Rebecca
(Riva), my Grandfather Ben-zion Tzunzer,
may parents and other kindreds.. .
-My Grandfather Ben-zion Tzunzer, was a good old,
beard man; -he all free time learn the religion
books, that there were in all places of their
room, in big boxes(now these furniture not use).
-He was sure that the genial Russian legend's
writer, Ivan Krilov was a Jewish writer.
-The legends was translated in Yiddish or Hebrew
then this book with Krilov's legends my Grandfather
has keep together with his sacred books.
-It was visible as similar.
-Same time he told me one of these legends.
...I remember good my Grandmother Rebecca
(Riva), my Grandfather Ben-zion Tzunzer,
may parents and other kindreds.. .
In one of religion books the old peoples disclosed
a photography where my grandmother's father, as
rabbi in Kenigsberg's synagog reads any prayed
and the photo has does in moment of visits of
kaiser Wilhelm in the Kenigsberg's synagogue.
-But in this age I did not understand nothing
about an uniforms with and big caps on a heads.
-One day my grandparents set around the table
closed by wight tablecloth and learn books.
They few times experienced to grow my wish
learn the cues of our ancient language.
They both were happy in the few times when
I have set down with they compose the cues.
-For long time All my dear kindred go out in an
better Land. And left me alone in these world.
-In my childhood I had a cat "Murka"...-It goes
after me how a good dog and always slept near me
in my bed. -She not know any better place for sleep.
When I was shaken as anywhere was hearing it's
All our furniture was damaged by the cat's claws,
but all these hurts has overlooks for it.
-My cat make everything what I would direct to do.
When I would signed, -it spring on my shoulder...
-Always it was a good family relations. -But one
time happen as a cat Murka left alone in a closed
home!! -One and all go out for long time. -When
we open the door it's was a bad smell of the cat.
-Then my betters old grandmother Riva was very
trouble, She toked the Murka for it's collar and
turn it in it's excrements with it's mouth.
-It was very trouble for my cat! -It cried. After this
lesson of good behavior the cat for long time
not returned to home.