"..Don't be afraid of your enemy; -at worst he can murder you;
..don't be afraid of a traitor, -he only can sell you to the enemy.
-But be afraid of indifferent people, -because they causes
a world wars and a dishonesty in the world.."
Bruno Jasinsky

Polemic the Israeli Judiciary.

-It is Human Right defending ! -Abuse of Russian immigrant 1972..Why? -Help!
Read my Proposals- for secure Civil Rights in Israel.

-Please Encourage me against the Israeli Anti-Semitic oligarchy!
VIEW the POLEMIC, give Your opinion!


The Topics:
  1. Read my PROPOSALs
  2. VIEW the POLEMIC about Judiciary
  3. -Let's SIGN , POLEMIC about JUDICIARY
  4. -Let's SIGN, POLEMIC, Replic
  5. Why is there intolerance in the Israeli community?

  6. - The legend about the Israeli Constitution ?

  7. They named the traitor as Post-zionism.
  8. -The "JUDICIAL ACTIVITY" -as Israeli Eyewash
    • -"Judicial Activism" as a Privilege of International Court
    • -"What is permissible for -Jupiter -that forbidden for ox".
    • Difference Between -the Scenario with the Realty.
    • -Cases several judges rampage and abuse.
    • -The law is no written for these caste.

The Boomerang's Law: -THE BOOMERANG COMES BACK!!.

Look! -A group of lawyers wish persuade the public
as if we have the High Court for Justice as only
in the world -open before each citizen for using as
tools for defending the rights of a weack citizen
agaist the government's tyranny. -Only in the world!!

-I wish warn the people from eyewash: - because
in the real(!) this men closed the doors of High
Court( with the nice name "Justice" ) exstremaly
before a weak groups people as I am; -they gave
not me even to advent before their -honor judges!
-Then I feel as the court uses as a factor
 of conspiracy and injustice in my country.
-This hipocrisy will be -unmasking here.

to Topics

"-as you sow, you shall mow!"
Acquittal of the offenders
causes public instability

"The law... should surely be accessible at all times and to everyone."
- Franz Kafka
-Alternative Israeli Judiciary system.
( Compatible with Israeli Human Rights Law
and as basis of social justice.
    The method of the judiciary:

  1. There will be a trial by a jury;

    The judges nomination.

  2. All judges will be elected every 5-6 years
    by the people in general election;

    The Supreme Court Chief Nomination

  3. The Supreme Court Chief vacancy would filled by an
    elected judge, nominated for a period of three years.
    • - There may be two or three candidates for this
      vacancy, accordant to parliament's opinion.
    • The Israeli President and a special commission of
      Knesset (Parliament) Members will have the right
      of recommending the candidates for this vacancy.

    • The right of a VETO is saved for the Israeli President.
    • The Candidate for the Chief of Supreme Court
      will get the authority just after his election in
      a quorum of no less than(100) parliament members.

    -Recordings of the proceedings
  4. The proceedings of the trial will be recorded by an
    independent side (by modern automatized recording system)

  5. The judgement must be made in accordance with the law;
    All the rights of the litigant must be carefully watched.

    The decision of the court.

  6. Each court decision must contain a transcription of the
    law and all the evidence used or displayed in the trial.

  7. The court decision will be given to all litigants just
    after the end of court session in their presents.

    The judge's responsibility

  8. The complaints against judges should be reviewed
    by an independent entity. The complainant will be
    required to give a testimony. -The relevant facts
    of the complaint will be a part of controllers
    discussion and conclusion of judge's behavior.

  9. For any act of violating a trial process, the judge
    will be punished according to the law and removed.

  10. A judge who commits a crime will be removed.

  11. Any individual who has or had a part in a
    criminal act or got a part in a dishonesty act,
    -is disqualified for being a judge.

    The parliament's authority discuss precedence verdict

  12. -There is parliament's authority to discuss
    any complaint against precedence verdict which
    is claimed to contradict the law or harm Human
    Rights or Dignity of litigants.

  13. -The parliament should discuss and decide upon
    verdicts in cases as explained above, -in a session
    by a quorum no less than 80 parliament members.
    - If the verdict is found wrong, a majority of 70%
    of the present members will fit to abolish it.

  14. -As the verdict is annulled by parliament (Knesset),
    it would be forbidden to be used by the court;
    -The trial file concerning the defected verdict
    can be re-discussed.
Click here for Topics

On 11 Feb 1999 12:27:54 GMT

-ML wrote:

> >There is no check on the US judiciary
> >which is why it is out of control.

> I agree that the U.S. judiciary is out of control when it guts the 4th
> and 5th Amendments and makes rulings like the one that declared that
> evidence of ACTUAL INNOCENCE is not a sufficient reason to stay an
> execution.

> But if you think there's no check on the U.S. judiciary, you simply
> don't understand the Constitution. The Legislature can overturn most
> Supreme Court rulings simply by passing a new law and getting the
> Executive to sign it. If they're not doing that, it's because a
> majority of Americans are not aware of or not upset about the erosion
> of our civil liberties by the Court.

> Another check on the power of the Supreme Court, by the way, is that
> many state courts have found that their state constitutions provide
> more protection for individual rights than the U.S. Constitution does.

> To reply by email, please eliminate "NOSPAM" from my address.
 Personal messages only!
-If you send a commercial solicitation, I will boycott the product.
ML  ------------------------

Boris D answer:
-Dear Ml, you are pretty right. -I am not know the American
Constitution, I am Israeli and control(check) our judiciary.
-But with your help as update the USA judiciary you convince
me that I raised an important judiciary problem that have
been checked in fundamental discussion.

I sure that the judiciary of different countries have a many
identify common problems and answers in their judiciary.

-You had given me secure that I am going the right way.

-I understand that a man can not give an IDEAL LAW, but would we
will act against the tenets of democracy and would given the
court the function of legislator, then the court quickly will
turn from a tools for society justice in source of violence, etc.

-The detriment from existing a no ideal law is nothing in compare
 with evil(nasty?) of a court's rampage as it going in Israel.
-It need feel on experience for give a real right conclusion.

-As You inform me the situation of judiciary in USA, as
you brought me self secure that I got in my message a
right proposals for improve justice in Israel.
-If You wish know, I feel that you do a compliment for me.

-What You inform me about relations within Supreme Court,
Constitution and Congress(parliament) -it is exactly
go with my idea, that I propose in Israel.

-But they not wish listen the truth and see the realty.
They advertise a "judicial activity", a "court's independence",
"Rule of the court", and other absurdity ideas, as they good
for rampage and for felony, but badly for justice.

-There is Israeli interesting social groups takes a part
in popularization of the wrong defective perceptions in
our Court, they silence the truth of injustice and
hooliganism caused the mutual guarantee in my country.

I give a testimony as a victim of rampage and cheating caused
in our Supreme Court and the chief justice Aharon Barak.

Would you will understand me better, then you have read in
my home page many cases and problems of Israeli judiciary:

You will see a cruelest hypocrisy doing in Israeli court
against a little citizen and vice versa and forgiveness
for leadership, for reach men, for national felony.
For this anti public functionality it's very important a
"court sovereigns" and the "judicial activity" concept,
that permit the judge no watch the law.

-Because of these reasons they wish not have a CONSTITUTION!
-Because of these reasons they watches the wrong system of
the judges nomination as permission conspire and favore.

As You will understand our realty, us my proposals for
improving Human Rights in Israel will seen more conventional.

Would You hear our press and lawyers and our leadership
the court is any exclusive island from justice and democracy 
in a sea of corruption, then they show the judges as honesty
angels fights only for a justice and defends the democracy,
as though there not were bribee, thief, cheating and
violence, as between others people.

-You welcome intervene and comment the JUDICIARY thema.

-But we must.. .to correct the injustice world.
Read more in my home page

Sincerely   Boris
VIEW the Polemic HERE.
E-Mail me: doboris@hotmail.com
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Update February 2 , 1999