2001, 1 hr 50 min., Rated R for some language, sexuality/nudity and drug content.�Dir: Wes Anderson. Cast: Gene Hackman (Royal Tenenbaum), Anjelica Huston (Etheline Tenenbaum), Ben Stiller (Chas Tenenbaum), Gwyneth Paltrow (Margot Helen Tenenbaum), Luke Wilson (Richie Tenenbaum), Owen Wilson (Eli Cash), Grant Rosenmeyer (Ari Tenenbaum), Jonah Meyerson (Uzi Tenenbaum), Danny Glover (Henry Sherman), Bill Murray (Raleigh St. Clair), Seymour Cassel (Dusty), Kumar Pallana (Pagoda), Alec Baldwin (Narrator).
This is not a Christmas picture about a family gathering around a special tree. No, that would be an Irish film most likely called "The O'Tannenbaums".
The Royal Tenenbaums is about a family of prodigies who put the 'dis' in dysfunctional, reunited when patriarch Royal (Gene Hackman) tries to renew ties with his kids under questionable circumstances.
Expectations for me were pretty high, considering it's by Wes Anderson (Rushmore), so I anticipated an offbeat comedy. That's what I got, with plenty of eclectic characters and funny-feeling chortles.
But I don't have the time to actually think of a review, so the rest of this review is in honor of Larry King's former rambling column in USA Today:
... Gene Hackman has been awfully busy lately (Behind Enemy Lines and Heist also released in the last two months), but hasn't been better than his role as Royal Tenenbaum. ... could even get an Oscar nomination. ... Would like to see more Bill Murray, but isn't that always the case? ...
More in the all-star cast ... a chain-smoking and severely depressed Gwyneth Paltrow as the adopted Tenenbaum, Luke Wilson as the fiery tennis star, Ben Stiller as the widower and businessman with two sons, Owen Wilson as the wannabe Tenenbaum who is a junkie cowboy author, Anjelica Huston as Hackman's ex-wife being courted by Danny Glover. ...
... Flew to Aspen to play golf with Gene Hackman, who said he's keeping busy and if I don't like it I can kiss his butt, which I did. ... My gorgeous model of a sixth wife thinks the Wilson brothers are "a hoot." ... Had a nice Chianti with director Wes Anderson, who said that the key to his success was "making otherwise smart people do dumb things." ...
... Okay, none of the previous paragraph is true, but I am emulating King, aren't I? ...
... Definition of idiosyncrasy: 'a peculiarity of constitution or temperament - an individualizing characteristic or quality.' ... Definition of dysfunctional: 'impaired or abnormal functioning.' ... Definition of antidisestablishmentarianism: "Properly, opposition to the disestablishment of the Church of England, but popularly cited as an example of a long word." ... How about floccinaucinihilipilification: 'the categorizing of something as worthless or trivial.' ... What is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis?: A miners' lung disease caused by inhaling silica. ...
... Rich folks travel only by Gypsy cabs - wonder what point was there? ... Music a lift, from Paul Simon to piano plucking recognizable from "Peanuts" a couple of times. ...
... Still, The Royal Tenenbaums was an awkward moviegoing experience. Most of the laughs are chuckles, and only a few people at a time catching something they felt funny, so there was sporadic laughs from all over the theater. . . strange when people laugh at parts that you don't find funny....
... Can a film be too ironic for its own good? ... See Rushmore again to cleanse the palate, 'cause RT leaves an awkward taste.
The verdict:
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