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2nd June 2001

  Sorry for being away for so long. Big things have happened in my life. Back in January, I got a new job. It came right out of the blue, and is the kind of job that I had been looking for for three years. I am now working in a school, which means that I get holidays to write, (if I can find the time) and a willing lot of test readers.  To this end, I finally went through T'Tenneb and corrected all the punctuation mistakes. I then printed out two copies, had them bound, and placed them in the school library. Comments so far are good, plus I have a picture from one reader.

If I get any more, I shall start an images page.

  Still no advance on the publishing front. One publisher had ceased trading, but another letter was encouraging.

I must begin by apologising profusely for the lateness of this reply. Perhaps it will give you some idea of the volume of unsolicited material we receive every week.

I am so glad you honoured ***************************** With
T'Tenneb. You are a talented writer with a gift for description. Your story has a very traditional feel and is appealing. I fear, however, that we have had limited success with this type of fantasy in the past, and I worry that the plot still needs strengthening.

I wish you the best of luck in your pursuit.

  Not bad. It has been a while since I sent to the latest publisher. I hope that is a good sign.

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