Friends are the flowers that bring to each day enrichment and beauty in their own special way. Each one is unique and of delicate hues. They open the world to life's different views. Friends are the flowers that grow in the heart special blessings from God that He does impart, as a sign of His love, from His garden above. Who can ever measure the love from a friend? It's like trying to find the ocean's end. When they are gone, the loss, and the pain is like trying to count the drops in the rain. So treasure don't measure since friends are on loan until they return to their garden back "home". In my garden's secret place I can see your smiling face. Should the teardrops of rain flow in it's place a rose will grow. In my heart you'll always be as a flower God sent to me. Dedicated to all friends and in loving memory of: Lynn Pichla 3/26/53-5/26/06 also Kathleen Howard AKA Botchi You are in my heart and mind always with love.