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Healing Music
by Traute Klein, AKA biogardener
The story of the healing of a seriously sick newborn baby through the music of Bach, music which was born in heaven.
Reader Response
In my 2001 Christmas article, "Comfort ye . . ." I told of the emotional comfort and healing which I received while participating in a Messiah production. One of my readers posted a personal story in the discussion. She tells of the healing which her seriously sick newborn baby received while listening to Bach on her Walkman. Here is her story, and I have her permission to share it with you.
Music and Healing
I know firsthand about the healing power of music. My son was born with pneumonia, and for a few days we weren't certain he would survive. I was only allowed to hold him for a few minutes every hour or so and when I fed him, but I stayed with him constantly.
Since I love music I had brought tapes and a Walkman to the hospital, and they helped me as I watched and waited beside my son's isolette.
One day when it was time for me to hold him I was listening to Bach's "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring."
Instead of turning the tape off and removing my headphones I slid them down onto my neck and turned up the volume a bit.
As I held my son, staring into his face, I began to notice a gradual change. His body was relaxing and his cheeks were taking on a rosy tinge. And something else--his breathing was smooth and regular.
I'm certain it was the music -- he had begun responding to music while still in the womb, kicking so hard for some pieces of music that I was sore afterward. We took him home the next day, and now, at the age of 15, music is his passion.
Peace and Love, Paper Turtle
Healing Music
Comfort ye . . .Where do you turn for comfort when the world is intent on heading into another war like the last war to end all wars? I received comfort in the music and words of Handel's Messiah.
And the glory . . .The world's best known sacred oratorio was born at the lowest point in Handel's life. It comes to life in Winnipeg's largest church every December in music and drama.
Music which Touches the Soul, J. S. BachThe sacred music of the greatest master of harmonic progressions has deeply touched my soul since I first discovered it in my early teens.
Music and Language Touching the SoulMusic and language both touch the soul, but the combination of the two has the unsurpassed power to reach down into the most secret crevices of the heart.
The Healing DrumThe steady beat of the drum unites with our heartbeat to release tension and to bring peace and healing. This form of emotional healing has been practiced in many cultures and it is still effective today.
Striving for Peace
War through the Eyes of a PacifistThis is my latest article on the effects of war, especially on children. The other articles on the subject are linked at the bottom. In them, I correlate current events with the experiences of my childhood.