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This page is about my Other Mom.

"Bridge Over Troubled Waters" (She is!!)

My "other mom" is, of course, my first Mother-In-Law, Shirley.

I first met Shirley when I was dating her son Greg. He said let's go meet my mom! We got there, and got out of the car,(which was nothing less than a PURPLE Gremlin, by the way!!),he picked me up, and threw me over his shoulder. He carried me into the house, and said "Hi Mom!! Look what I found!!

What a way to meet your future Mother-In-Law, huh?

Of course, I married him. He was a wonderful sweet guy, and I loved him very much. We were only 19 when we married, and we had our son Gregory a year later.

Now, back to Shirley. She turned out to be the nicest, kindest Mother In Law that anyone could ask for. Before Greg and I married, she taught me how to sew, and she made my wedding dress with just a little help from me, and all the bridesmaids dresses too. She and her sister made all the food for the reception too... But that was just the beginning!

Throughout all the years since I met her (upside down of course) she has been there for me in a million ways. There isn't enough room on the entire internet to tell you all about it!

She was always there to help with Gregory when he was little, and to help Greg and I in whatever way we needed. When Greg died she was absolutely torn apart, but yet she stood there and let me lean on her for strength. She never once made me take care of the terrible time by myself. When my mother died, she was there for me again, and now I consider her to be the only mom I have left.

Some Mother In Laws would say you are no longer a part of my family because you are no longer married to my son...but not Shirley!! She has never treated me as anything less than another daughter. She really likes my second husband, and treats my stepson as just another grandchild.

She spends quality time with all the people in her family, all her children, grandchildren, sister, and brothers.

She is the hub of the wheel of our family.

I love her very, very much and hope that she knows. If you would like to know more about her, click to go to her homepage:

My Other Mom

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