
Area: 6242 sq. km
Towns: 10; Communes: 66
County seat: Alba Iulia
Geographic features: Mountains (peaks): the Apuseni Mountains, the Bihor Mountains (Cucurbăta 1849m). Lakes: the lake of karstic depression Iezerul Ighiu (5.3 ha); the anthropic lake Oasa (447 ha).
Leisure: Aiud - departure for the Apuseni Mountains through the Aiud gorges.
Natural Monuments: Aiud - the glacier from Vârtop; Avram Iancu - the hill with snails (a monument of fossils), Bucium - geological reserve, traces of volcanoes from the Quanternary; Gârda de Sus - the Scărisoara Glacier, the Râmetilor Gorges.
Archaeological vestiges (year): Alba Iulia - Alba Carolina fortress (1714-1738); Aiud - the Roman settlement of Brucla and the fortress (13 - 15th c); Baia de Aries - ancient gold exploitation; Bucium - Dacian and Roman mining exploitation; Câlnic - the fortress (13th c); Craiva - the Dacian fortress Apulon (2nd c); Ocna Mures - salt pits exploited by the Romans; Rosia Montana - ancient gold exploitation; Sebes - the fortress (14 - 15th c); Zlatna -the Roman settlement of Ampelum.
Castle: Alba Iulia - palace of the ruling prince (13 - 18th c).
Monasteries: Blaj - the Annunciation Monastery (1760) with the first printing press from Blaj area; Lupsa (1429) with the oldest wooden church from Transylvania; Râmet (1240).
Folklorik festivals: The Girls' Fair on the Găina Mountain - July; Sălciua -April, The Lambs' Fair and in October, The Sheep Fair; Săsciori - pottery center; Sugag - springtime pastoral festival.
Agriculture, fruit growing and zootechny: animal breeding farms especially sheep.
Vineland (viticultural centers): Alba (Alba Iulia, Ighiu), Târnavelor (Blaj, Jidvei), Aiud.
Industry: exploitation and processing of copper and gold ores glass and wood processing.

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