Area: 6714 sq. km.
Towns: 7; Communes: 90.
County seat: Târgu Mures - airport
Geographic features: Mountains (peaks): the Căliman Mt. (Pietrosu 2100m), the Gurghiu Mt. (Saca 1776m).
Natural monuments: Lăpusna - the forest and game reserve for deer, bears, wild boars, mountain cocks and trout; Ludus - the natural reserve for steppe peonies.
Leisure: Târgu Mures - the touristic halting place "Weekend" on the Mures bank, the Cornesti Plateau, the Iedu forest; Deda - departure for the Căliman Mountains, Reghin and Sovata - departure for the Gurghiu Mountains.
Archaeological vestiges (year): Târgu Mures - Dacian and Roman vestiges (2nd - 3rd c); Apold - vestiges from the Neolithic and a fortified peasant fortress with church (1504); Archita, Băgagiu - peasant fortress (15th c) with fortified church (13th c); Iernut - vestiges from the Neolithic and of a Roman settlement (2nd c); Cipău - vestiges from the Neolithic and the Iron Age; Lechita - archaeological reserve from a Dacian and Roman settlement.
Folklorik festivals: Gurghiu - May, girls' fair; Hodac - April, the festival "The Wives' Redemption".
Agriculture, fruit growing and zootechny: important fruit producer and animal breeder especially cattle, sheep and beeculture.
Vineland (viticultural center): Târnave (Târnăveni, Zagăr, Valea Nirajului), Sebes-Apold, Lechinta (Batos).
Industry: exploitation of fuels, processing of wood with priority musical instruments and vessels, leather and fur, chemistry, processing of glass especially blue crystal.