C/O 98 
    D.S. Hall and Tahoe Streets 
         Herlong, CA 96113 
         (530) 827-2101
    Welcome to the Web Pages of Herlong High School.  This web site was designed as the school project of the site master to inform you about the 1997/98 school year at HHS. 
    About Us  
    Herlong High School is attended by approximately 150 students coming from the small areas of Herlong, Doyle, Janesville, Milford, and a few from nearby towns in Nevada.  As part of the Pioneer/Feather River League, we are known as the "Vikings" who's school colors are blue and gold. 

    HHS is a public high school on the Sierra Army Depot, located at Herlong, California, which is east of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, 55 miles northwest of Reno, Nevada, and 35 miles southeast of Susanville, California. 

    Main | Tour | Sports | C/O '98 | Classes | Staff | Info
Last Updated: August 11, 1998
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