Miko Samson


Birthday:  July 12, 1984

School:  2nd year high school

Height: 5'4

Weight:  115 lbs

Shoe Size:  9


Music:  R&B, and slow rock

Foods:  japanese and american dishes

Clothing:  pants, shirt, leather shoes

Sports:  Swimming

Hangout/gimik:  going to the malls (Glorietta), cooking, TEXT, taking care of his cats and turtle, reading, playing golf and on the computer, swimming


Other TV credits:  ASAP, Krismaskipaps, Oki Doki Doc, Flames

On G-MiK:  Antonio Rodriguez "Tonsy", best friend of Jun-Jun (Carlo Aquino), and the rival of Borj (Stefano Mori)

Likes in a Girl:  Mentally mature, sweet, mabait, presentable, someone who can carry herself very well and who can cook

Motto:  "Live each day to the fullest"