by Dawn Underwood (Thunderbird), Kathy Gerbert (Space Cadet), Pat Weier (Sparks), Karen Manetta (Nightcrawler)-Nighthawk Commandos

Hello, nice to meet ya.  by the Nighthawks

Murdock was concerned. His fellow Nighthawks were having quite a few accidents lately. Much more than was normal for this time of year. Or abnormal, as is the case with Nighthawks. If only he could put his finger on the cause of the accidents. Then it would be easy to fix the problem. Well, it was time for a meeting. Maybe if they put their heads together, they could find the cause for these accidents. "Sparks, quit playing with my shorts will you? Specially while they're still on me." Murdock pleaded.

"Oh, sorry sir." Sparks replied as she stood up at attention. I always get carried away with the 'shorts inspection'. That is my job you know."

Murdock sighed. "Yes, I know all too well. But we have business to attend too. Rally up the troops and meet me in the living room."

"Ah...Sir, we don't have a living room." Sparks said looking confused.

"No living room? Do we have a family room?" inquired Murdock.


Murdock thought for a moment, "Okay then, how about a den?"

Sparks just shook her head no.

"Do we have a kitchen then?" Murdock ask quizzically.

Sparks got excited, "Oh yes sir! We definitely have a kitchen."

Okay, we're cookin enchiladas now. So hop to it, call everyone in." Murdock smiled triumphantly. Proud he was too.

"Uh...sir? Sparks said looking all around the room, "I don't know how to tell you this, but everyone is already in the kitchen. In fact so are we."

Murdock was unperturbed at this bit of news. It was just a minor technicality to him. "Very well then, I'm glad you got everyone here so quickly. Nighthawks, we have been having a few problems here at headquarters lately. For some reason, there have been a lot of accidents here at HQ."

Suddenly there was an uproar in the crowd. Everyone started yelling at once and faces were turning red. There was too much commotion for poor Murdock to make out what was being said. One word that was clear was the word 'Frankie Santana'. "Whoa, hold it! Murdock cried out, "Everyone just calm down for a moment. Let's just have one at a time, or a time before one, or maybe one here and there, or maybe just once,or..."

Tree interrupted him, "Ah...I can't take this anymore. I'm going to brew up some coffee right now!"

"No!" Everyone hollered in unison. "Please, no coffee!"

Murdock had to find something for Tree to do, otherwise they would all end up in the hospital. "Commando Tree, we have half a nighthawk on the way here. Go make preparations for the arrival."

"Yes sir!" She said as she snapped to attention and ran off into the deep interiors of HQ. This got Murdock worried. As far as he knew, no one has ever returned from the interior of HQ.


Murdock started to pace back and forth in front of his troops.  He loved
pacing to and fro,
fro and to, when suddenly his foot slid on something slippery and down he
fell.  The nighthawks all fluttered to his side, anxiously checking him for
injuries.  Fortunately for all, only his pride was wounded.  As he was helped
to his feet, he looked down to see what was the culprit behind his accident.
He saw a glop of sticky, gooey stuff, and demanded, "Sparks, what is that?
And why is it in my kitchen?"

Sparks had been dreading this moment; she knew it had been inevitable, nevertheless, she hated moments of confrontation. She glared at Frankie, and then informed her leader, "It's Frankies hairgrease."

Murdock looked appalled. No one really put that disgusting stuff in their hair, did they? It looked like axle grease and up close smelled like the results of an enema. "Santana!" he barked, "Is this yours?" he pointed down at the offending glop.

Frankie held his head in shame, but muttered yes.

Murdock looked at Sparks. She went on to explain how Frankie and his new hairgease were the cause for the reason spate of accidents and ensuing injuries to Murdock's beloved Nighthawks. Sparks said she even gone so far as ordering Frankie to change his hairgrease, but he had refused. Murdock stared in disbelief at his old friend, appalled by his behavior. He looked around at his fellow Nighthawks and saw the many colorful bruises, slings, ace bandages, and even casts. Sparks had brought this matter to his attention before, but because it was Frankie, he had downplayed it. A deep abiding anger grew inside of him as he saw how his loyal nighthawks had suffered. "Nighthawk Santana - What do you have to say in your defense?" he asked somberly.

Sparks suddenly interrupted, yelling "Eyes!" and immediately shading her eyes with her hand in a gesture imitated by Murdock and the rest of the nighthawks, designed to protect then from the blinding glare of Frankies oversized, overly bright, white teeth.

Grinning like an idiot, Frankie proved he could speak like one too. "Hey guys, What's the problem? You want my grease? Forget it, my hair never looked so good. You're all just jealous. Too bad, you can't have it."

Murdock raged at his indifference to the Nighthawk community and the pain and hurt they had suffered. Standing at attention, he looked over the greasy head and pronounced sentence, "Nighthawk Santana, you are hereby banished, you're wings have been officially clipped. No longer do you have the right to refer to yourself as a Nighthawk. Tree, and Maydock, remove him from my sight immediately. The mere sight of him is like a serpent at my breast. See that he and all of his belongings are out of headquarters within the hour. He is never to be allowed access to our headquarters again. Never!" Murdock thundered, as Nighthawks fluttered to his side, offering to comfort, particularly the new hybrid. Murdock pulled the shy little hybrid close, then wrapping his her arm around her, headed for the nearest bedroom.


       Nighthawks' Tree and Maydock started towards the disowned
Santana.  Both Nighthawks approached cautiously, since any quick
movement would result in their slipping in the trail of grease left in hiswake.
        "Wait!"  Sparks called out urgently.  She opened a drawer and pulled
out a pair of industrial gloves.  These heavy duty gloves had been
purchased some time ago so the clumsier Nighthawks could handle
Tree's special coffee.  "Put these on before you touch him."  She
demanded.  "I don't want anymore casualties due to this ...... this .....
reject."  Sparks tossed the gloves over to Tree and Maydock.  Both
expressed a sign of relief as they pulled the bulky gloves on their hands.
        "Thanks Sparks, you're a life saver."  Tree said gratefully as she
turned her attention back to Santana.
        "What are we going to do with him?"  Maydock asked as she
grabbed a greasy arm.  "We can't let him stay in the Headquarters while
we come up with a plan to get rid of him for good."
        All around the kitchen Nighthawks scratched their heads, each
trying to come up with an idea for Santana's disposal.  Each of them at
one time or another had attempted to lose him in various places, but like
a bad penny he always showed back up at the Nighthawk Headquarters.
        Santana fidgeted uncomfortably as the expressions around the
kitchen turned murderous.  He could see that they were all coming to the
conclusion that they needed a permanent solution.  Before someone
could offer a solution Frankie spoke up.  "The TEMP's will take me, at
least their illustrious leader appreciates my looks and my talents."  When
the Nighthawks perked up with interest Santana continued, "All you'll
have to do is sneak me into the TEMP Headquarters."
        Sparks shook her head in disbelief.  The twit actually thinks that
someone likes him.  As much as she hated to admit it, dropping Santana
off at the Temp HQ was a good idea.  They spent so much time in front
of mirrors over there that it would be days till they realized they had a
willing apprentice TEMP.
        Beside her Space Cadet raised her hand and spoke up.  "But...."
Sparks elbowed Space Cadet in the ribs to shut her up.  Space looked at
Sparks with confusion, all she wanted to do was remind everyone that
the TEMP's hated Frankie as much as the Nighthawks did.  She stared at
Sparks with wide questioning eyes, but kept her mouth shut.
        Sparks glared at Santana.  "You promise to stay there till death do
you part?"  She asked slyly.  "No matter what happens, no matter how
many times they try to return you, you promise to always return to the
TEMP's?"  Sparks realized what she was asking.  It was too good to be
true.  There was actually a light at the end of the tunnel.  The
Nighthawks were going to be forever free of the dreaded FrankieSantana.
        "Sure ....Sure....I promise."  Santana said cheerfully.  His lips curled
as his face began to break out into a grin.  Maydock, always on the alert
spotted the grin in the making, and roughly shook the greaser to stop
him before he completed his grin.  "Hey!"  Santana complained.  "You
don't have to get rough."
        "Consider yourself lucky."  Maydock responded with a snarl.  If it
had been her choice she would have preferred dropping him out of a
chopper into a volcano.
        "All right now"  Sparks called out.  "I need several volunteers to go
on the mission."  Hands rose though out the kitchen.  She smiled
proudly, when it came to dumping Frankie there were always enoughvolunteers.
        "I'll lead this mission"  Murdock called as he entered the kitchen.  He
stood tall and commanding as he looked over the ranks of his loyal
Nighthawks.  "Sparks, Maydock, Tree, Thunderbird, Range Ryder,
Nightcrawler, Space Cadet, you're with me."  While Murdock named his
team, Sparks diligently inspected his shorts.  "Sparks!"  Murdock
snapped impatiently.  "Can't you do that later."
        "Just trying to keep up with my duties sir." Sparks said grinning from
ear to ear.  "I had to make sure that you're ready for the mission sir."
        "Oh ......... Good Job Sparks, keep up the good work."  Murdock
responded, mystified by the dedication of his second in command.
"Now, the rest of you I want Santana's things packed up and out of
here."  Ignoring the groans of disappointment, he turned to Frankie,
"Where do you want your things sent?"  He asked.  He knew that his
Nighthawks were planning on taking Santana somewhere, but he had
been tucking the shy little hybrid into bed when Frankie's new home had
been decided.
        "Temp Headquarters."  Santana boasted, "At least they appreciateme."
        Murdock gagged for a moment.  He was going to have a hard time
explaining this to his long time friend, the Faceman.  He shrugged his
shoulders in acceptance.  Faceman had been complaining that he was
getting bored.  Maybe he would appreciate this challenge.  "Address the
boxes to the TEMP Headquarters."  He finally said.  "When you're done
with the packing,  I want you to scrub this place down, the accidents end
tonight!"  He looked at the previously unnoticed trails of grease.  He
wondered where his mind had been when he agreed to accept Santana as
a Nighthawk.  Then he remembered, he was legally insane at the time the
decision was made.
        Sparks clapped her hands to get everyone's attention.  "We leave in
20 minutes."  She looked to Murdock for confirmation.  When he nodded
his head, she continued.  "Get moving!"  All around the kitchen the
Nighthawks scurried around, bumping into one another as they hurried
to prepare for their assigned mission.


"SPARKS!!" Murdock yelled, putting on the last of his commando gear.

Sparks skidded around the corner, almost running into Murdock.  "Sir?"

"Are we ready, or aren't we ready, to take Frankie to TEMP HQ?"

"Yes, sir, we are."  Sparks rubbed her hands together in anticipation of
seeing the look on the TEMPs faces when they finally realized they had the
little greaseball.

"Good.  Gather the other Nighthawks that are going on the mission and let's
get a move on.  The sooner we're rid of him, the better."

Sparks nodded before heading quickly toward the door.  Not watching where she
was going, she slipped on a grease spot in the hall, falling down.

Murdock helped her to her feet.  "That's it.  We're leaving now."  The two
started down the hall to gather the others.  They found Maydock, Thunderbird,
Nightcrawler, Space Cadet, Range Ryder, and Tree (armed with a pot of her top
secret coffee) gather together, waiting for them.

"Where's Ex-Commando Santana?" Murdock barked as he and Sparks entered the

"Right here, sir," Maydock said from the back of the gathering, holding the
rope that bound Frankie in one hand.

Murdock nodded.  "Good.  Let's go."


Murdock ordered Space and Thunderbird to keep an eye on Frankie.  Then
told Maydock to warm up the chopper.

"Ah...Sir...is the chopper really necessary?  I mean TEMP HQ is just a
block away", Maydock inquired.

"Are you questioning my orders co-pilot?  We can't afford any slip ups
in the mission.  Besides, we don't want the TEMP's to know we're
coming."  After she left, Murdock addressed the rest of the Nighthawks.
"Okay, this is a dangerous mission.  I know some of you won't be coming
back, and if you did come back, you wouldn't know who came back.  Or if
some didn't come back and know they did, when they shouldn't, but might
have even if they didn't.  Any questions?"

The Nighthawks just looked at each other, shrugged their shoulders and
nodded to Murdock their agreement.  They knew the leader's speeches
never made sense, but it was smarter to go along, than have him repeat

"Okay Nighthawks, let's go."  Nightcrawler, Space, Thunderbird, and
Sparks followed Murdock to the waiting chopper.  Tree took a little
longer since she needed an extension cord for the coffee pot and
couldn't find where Frankie had hidden it.  Range was busy running down
the street after Thunder and Waco, who had broken out of their pen.  The
mission was beginning to look like trouble.  Frankie's grease was
getting all over the ropes.  He was starting to wriggle out of it.

"Quick!" Sparks yelled, "Give Frankie some coffee quick, before he

The Nighthawks quickly subdued Frankie with a pot of Nighthawk Top
Secret coffee.  After what seemed like an eternity, but was really only
3 hours, the group landed in the back of TEMP HQ.  Maydock gave
Thunderbird  a lesson on map reading, and said that next time they get
lost, she'd be walking home.  Maydock stayed behind with the chopper,
while the other Nighthawks made their way into H.Q.

Murdock stopped them just before they reached the back gate.  "Space, I
want you to create a diversion while we sneak Frankie inside.  Since
you're our UFO expert, you can get the TEMPS outside looking for flying
saucers.  Thunderbird and Sparks, I want you to find our temporary
Nighthawk Serenity and stick her in the closet in case the TEMP's have
converted her back into a TEMP agent.  Nightcrawler, I want you to find
my old buddy Faceman and keep him occupied.  Do you still have the whip
and handcuffs?

"Oh sir, yes sir."  Nightcrawler exclaimed with  a big grin on her face.

"Okay then, we'll have Tree stand guard out here in the back in case we
run into trouble.  Then she has orders to pour the coffee into the
TEMP's real coffee.  That's only a last resort though, we don't want to
send anyone to the hospital just yet.  I mean, when Frankie's done here,
there's bound to be some TEMP's hospitalized.  Nightcrawler, don't
forget to leave the handcuffs behind so Frankie can use them.
Nighthawks, let's go."

Sparks and Thunderbird got busy looking through the endless corridors of
mirrors, looking for their former Nighthawk Serenity.

"I can't believe that the TEMP's could convert Serenity back into a TEMP
so quickly.  Do you think it was because we forced to become a
Nighthawk?" inquired Thunderbird.

Sparks grinned, "Nah, I think it was because she was afraid she would
have to drink some of our coffee.  Wait, I think I hear her now.  Let's
go up to her and pretend we don't know she's a TEMP again."

Thunderbird agreed.  They continued on down the hall towards the
unsuspecting TEMP.


Tree took position in the back of the TEMP Headquarters as she had
been ordered.  She checked her coffee pot to make sure that there was
enough to use if it was needed, and was shocked to find that it was
almost gone. Tree quickly found an exterior electrical outlet and began
brewing a fresh pot of her special coffee.  She hummed happily to herself
as the thick black liquid perked and sizzled.  She leaned down and took a
whiff of the pungent concoction.  She was happily surprised when her
sinuses immediately cleared up.  "Hummm....  this is going to be my best
pot of coffee yet."  She whispered to herself proudly. "I do hope
everyone enjoys this gourmet treat."

As Tree’s coffee brewed, something else was cooking in the front
yard of the TEMP Headquarters.  Space Cadet bounced happily from one
tree to another, as she put the finishing touches on her UFO simulation.
She had strobe lights positioned in the tree's along side the super-duper
spacie sound system.  She placed everything to simulate the last UFO
landing that she witnessed.  The TEMP’s weren’t going to know what hit

With everything in place, Space Cadet snickering to herself.  She
 pulled out a tape cassette from her pocket and held it up to read the title
by moonlight.  "Sounds from Close Encounters"  She whispered to
herself, "Works every time."  Hoping everyone was ready for her
distraction, Space put on her sound proof Helmet.  With a grin on her
face, she slipped the tape cassette into the player.  She flipped a few
switches and turned the volume up on the sound system.  She crossed
her fingers, closed her eyes and flipped the main switch.  Even with her
helmet on, Space was rattled to the bone by the sounds.

The TEMP Headquarters was bathed with blinding multi-colored
blinking lights.  Inside, the TEMPtresses though out the TEMP
Headquarters stopped what they were doing, and ran for a window.
"What the heck?" One of them called out.  "We're being invaded by
UFO's!" Her exclamation was drowned out by the blast of eerie musical
tones that vibrated through the building and rattled all the windows.
The music startled several of the TEMPtresses and they ran out the back
door, tripping over the coffee pot cord.

Tree reached out, hoping to keep the coffee pot from flying, but it
was to late.  She helplessly watched the pot fly through the air.  "Darn!"
she hissed as it fell into the TEMP's hot tub.  The coffee mixed with the
chemicals in the hot tub and a putrid smelling fog-like mist began to
cascade out onto the ground.  The TEMPtresses saw the fog, and it only
added to their confusion.  They picked themselves up off the ground and
took off running.  Tree took a deep breath and signed.  "Now what am I
going to do without my coffee pot."

Inside the TEMPtresses rallied and started for the front door, they
weren't going to let aliens disturb their evening at home.  One of the
TEMP’s followed the others slowly.  Something about the noise and the
lights was bothering her, they seemed familiar somehow.  She shrugged
her shoulders and began to wonder if it had something to do with the
recurring dreams that she had been having about being a loyal member
of the Nighthawks.


Nightcrawler slipped into Face's bedroom quietly, and quietly shut and locked the door behind her. Then she heaves the two exhausted temp agents, sleeping soundly at the mans side out the window. The poor dears were so tired, they never even woke up. The selfish brute! Maybe it was time the tables were turned, time to see the man on his knees begging for more. Nightcrawler carefully fastened the handcuffs, one set securing his hands to the headboard and the other set securing his feet to the footboard. Then carefully crawling up on the bed, she started licking his body and tickling him by letting her whip trail across his naked body ever so slowly. In no time his body had responded exactly the way Nightcrawler had expected, with a huge throbbing erection. She looked at her handiwork proudly. She checker her watch and groaned so much work to do and so little time. Stripping quickly, she stood beside the bed and cracked her whip loudly. Face woke up, his eyes opened wide at the sound, with just a hint of fear. Nightcrawler smiled lazily, "Don't worry, baby. Do what I say and you won't feel a thing." If anything, Face looked more frightened. "You're the one. Murdock told me about you." "He did?" Nightcrawler purred as she prepared to mount the enormous erection in front of her. "I hope he had nothing but good things to say," she continued as she slammed her willing body into his, feeling the tremors of desire flicker through both bodies. "Did he tell you what happens if you can't satisfy me?" she grunted as her body pounded a rhythm into his. "That won't happen," he grunted back, arching and twisting his body each time she rocketed her body over his cock, taking every last inch inside her, determined to give this nighthawk the ride of her life. "Did he tell you how many times it took to satisfy me?" Face yelled "Yes!" and came for the first time. Nightcrawler, readjusted the cuffs so Face's hands were now imprisoned behind his back. With a long fingernail polished black, she gave her most evil and seductive smile, raking the nail gently down his face, across his chest, over his abdomen, down to his newly aroused manhood. "Hmmm, Murdock always said you could keep me busy. Let's see what you taste like." Face groaned unceasingly as Nightcrawler's mouth and hands proceeded to drive him almost insane. Climaxing quickly into her mouth, Nightcrawler patted him on the head, suitably impressed. The man lay in bed, starting to feel the effects of this powerful union. For the first time, he wondered if he would be able to hold out. Would her be able to satisfy Nightcrawler? Or would he have to face her wrath? Thinking of the whip always at her side, the man decided he would have to redouble his efforts and work harder.


Things were going smoothly outside.  The majority of the TEMPS came 
running outside to check out what they thought was a UFO.  Nighthcrawler 
kept THE MAN busy with her 'games' involving handcuffs.  She even took 
care of the few remaining TEMPS while she was at it.  

"Thunderbird, let's go up to Agent Serenity and pretend that she thinks 
that we think that she thinks she is still a Nighthawk." Sparks said as 
they crept up slowly to the TEMP.

Thunderbird tried to ignore that logic and approached the TEMP agent  
first, "Hi, how you doing?  I didn't know that you were back in TEMP HQ?  
Are you pretending to be a TEMP?" said Thunderbird, giving the Agent a 
sly wink. As Thunderbird was talking to her, she got in front and slowly 
walked towards her making her back up.  Sparks was at the closet door.  
As soon as Serenity was close to it, Sparks opened the  door and both 
she and Thunderbird pushed the TEMP into the closet and locked it.  

"Well done, Thunderbird!" Sparks said as they made a hasty retreat, 
giving each other the high five.  The startled TEMP was pounding on the 
door, yelling things that one shouldn't hear.

Meanwhile, with all the TEMPS either busy watching UFO's, or asleep with 
THE MAN, or locked in a closet, Murdock made his way into the deep 
trenches of TEMP HQ.  Being mindful of the TEMP rules, he had removed 
Frankie's vest before entering.  He didn't want to risk having  the 
Frankster returned for breaking the rules.  In a way, Murdock felt a 
twinge of guilt for doing this to his friend Face.  But, his Nighthawks 
came first and he didn't want to see them suffering any longer.  "Sorry 
Frankie old buddy, but it's for the greater good."  Murdock left Frankie 
there, gagged and tied with a note attached.  The note stated:

'Dear Faceman,
      Sorry to do this to ya buddy, but I have to save my little 
Nighthawks from spending all their time in the hospital.  Specially when 
it's not even the psychiatric ward.  I'm sure you'll understand.  You're 
friend, H.M.
P.S. please feed and water him regularly.  Also, degrease him once an 

Murdock made his farewells and left before all hell broke loose.  He met 
the awaiting commandos at the chopper.  He was mildly surprised to see 
them breaking open the champagne and cheering loudly.  "Hey group, keep 
it down, where not out of the woods yet.  Let's get out of here."

He entered the chopper and Maydock took off.  Murdock took his place 
next to the co-pilot.  Sparks, Thunderbird, Nightcrawler, Space and Tree 
were hooping it up in the back.  Singing loudly and proudly the 
Nighthawk song.


        One of the TEMP’s tripped over a wire in the front yard, and the
lights and the sounds suddenly stopped.  All heads turned to the sound
of the chopper and the unmistakable words to the Nighthawk song being
victoriously sung out of key.   In that instant they knew that they had
been invaded.
        “Oh My God!”  One of them screamed fearfully, “The silk jammies!”
        “THE MAN” another called out hysterically. “We have to see if THE
MAN has been harmed”
        The TEMP’s ran for the door, fearful that they had been robbed of
one of their treasures.  They rushed into THE MAN’s bedroom,
expecting the worse.  Surprise passed through the worried group of
TEMP’s as they stared at their MAN.  He was laying in his bed with his
hands tucked behind his head, grinning happily.
        He sat up, startled by his TEMPtresses sudden entrance.  He held
the cover up to his chest to cover the evidence of his sinful frolicking
with the Nighthawk Nightcrawler.  He felt that it was better that his
TEMPtresses remain in the dark since it would only cause his harem to
be jealous of the Nighthawks skills under the covers.  “What!” he called
out, “Is something wrong?”
        One of the TEMPtresses pointed at the rumpled jammies lying on the
floor and signed with relief.  “Their both safe,” she said happily.  It was
unusual to see the jammies carelessly thrown on the floor, but at least
they were still here.
        “What do you suppose the Flighthawks were doing here?”  One of
them asked.  Any answer to her question was interrupted by the sound
of pounding and screaming coming from the hallway.  The disorganized
group scrambled out into the hallway and threw open the closet door.
        “The Flighthawks were here!”  the bedraggled TEMP whimpered as
she fell out of the closet.  “It was terrible, I was so scared!”  Shecontinued.
        The others ignored her as they considered the reason for the
Nighthawk visit.  The Jammies were safe, THE MAN was safe, none of
the TEMP’s had been kidnapped, they were running out of reasons for
the invasion.  “Oh no!”  One of them gasped.  It was too horrible for
words.  “You don’t suppose ..... no they wouldn’t be daring enough todo that.”
        “What!”  The group cried out in unison.  Then, one by one, they
came to the same realization.  The invasion had been a diversion to drop
off the dreaded greaser.
        “Quick!”  another called out, “Spread out and search the place.”  The
TEMP’s scrambled as they each ran in a different direction.
        It didn’t take long till the trail was found.  The TEMP that found it
screamed in outrage as her feet slipped in the trail of grease.  She went
down with a thud, followed quickly by another as the other TEMP’s
came running to see what had happened.
        After four TEMP’s had gone down, each slipping and sliding in their
attempt to get back on their feet, the others grew wise.  “Watch your
footing!”  Someone called out.  Now warned, the rest of the TEMP’s took
small steps to get down the hall.  The sight that met them would cause
nightmares for weeks to come.  There at the end of the hall, was Frankie
Santana tied up in a chair.

The end

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