Sailor Mars (Raye Hino)
In the name of the planet Mars, I will punish you.
Japanese Name: Hino Rei
Name Meaning: Spirit of Fire
Birthday: April 17th, 1978
Astrological Sign: Aries
Blood Type: AB
Favorite colors: red, black
Hobbies: fortune telling
Favorite food: fugu (blowfish)
Least favorite food: asparagus
Favorite Gem Stone: ruby
Favorite subject: ancient writing
Least favorite subject: modern society
Has trouble with: television
Strong points: meditation
Dream: to be a head priestess, singer, model, seiyuu
Height: 5'3"

Raye/Rei has (in her opinion) the best leadership qualities of all the Sailor Scouts/Senshi. As a teenager, she has gained popularity amongst those her own age. She goes out on dates, much more often than the others. At first, she disliked Serena/Usagi and found her unfit, personality-wise, as being the leader. Later on however, she realizes the errors she made. She then helps Sailor Moon out. Being a strong shoulder during Sailor Moon's troubled times.

Special Powers (Sailor Moon)

Mars Power/Mars Power, Make Up
Raye/Rei says this to transform into Sailor Mars.
Mars Fire Ignite/Fire Soul
Sailor Mars says this to create a burst of fire. This fire can then be controlled, as a fire stream (standard attack) or it can be used to supplement the attack of other items (specifically, Moon's Tiara).
Anti-evil Sign
This item resembles a small scroll. If it is attached to an enemy, the enemy becomes paralyzed, making them more vulnerable to attack.

Special Powers (Sailor Moon R)

Mars Star Power/Mars Star Power, Make Up
Raye/Rei says this to transform into Sailor Mars.
Mars Fire-bird Strike/Fire Soul Bird
Sailor Mars says this to create a blast of flame shaped in the form of a fire-bird. This fire bird can then fly towards its intended target.
Mars Celestial Fire Surround/Burning Mandala
Sailor Mars says this to launch several rings of fire that surround the enemy.

Special Powers (Sailor Moon SS)

Mars crystal power, make up
Rei says this to transform into Super Sailor Mars
Mars Flame Sniper
This is Super Sailor Mars' attack

Raye's Original Name Translation

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