~ ImageQuest at Athens/Atlantis/9178
Reflections Within ~ Purpose ~

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Open Mind



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Reflections Within...

"There is not a more effective way to search your own soul, get to know who you truly are, unravel your thoughts and emotions, and find the hidden truth within your spirit than through the magic of writing..."
~ Gayla Pledger

   moon button I have placed all my  Treasures within the following pages, being an author ~~ a poet and artist of expression. To write is to survive. I recommend its healing powers to all. I have chosen to open my Book of Treasures to you, for the first

Law ofSupply is,

"To keep it, you must give it away."

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It is my desire to use this space in eternity as a means of sharing with you the insights which have helped me pass through much rough terrain into peace and joy along the highways and byways of this human experience.
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I would like to offer everyone the greatest spiritual gifts which have so freely been given to me.
 Solution set forth within these pages will enlighten you, inspire you to be your best, and reveal the golden key to happiness and success.

But before we proceed, I would like to make a simple clarification. Usually, when we begin reading or hearing anything pertaining to "God", our first mental reaction tends to be one of two defenses:
"I don't want to hear anything about God"; or,
"I already know about God."

So, before you close your mind, let me assure you that neither of those attitudes make any difference here. It doesn't matter what you believe, nor if you believe. Resistance will only keep you locked in whatever discontent you wish to escape.
This site has little or nothing to do with Christianity, Judaism, Buddaism, nor any other brand of organized religion. It is a personal study of spirituality and metaphysics. It doesn't have a "name", nor a leader. This is a simple course in character development and the recovery of our spiritual oneness ~ take what you like and leave the rest. I will not engage in any controversy, for each of us are entitled to our own truth, its belief, and practices. To debate, argue, or defend anything laid out in these pages would be a contradiction of purpose. The only intent is to present basic spiritual principles which are universal and applicable in all our lives.

For we each are spiritual beings
having a human experience.

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The first Law of Heaven is Order.

Each assignment is in order for a reason, and you should take them as such. We cannot reap rewards until we have first done the work! Whether you create your own vegetable garden, build a house, or anything in between, you know from experience that it requires much patience, dedication, commitment, time, and attention. Yet the end result is the finished product of your labors and the unsurpassed feeling of personal accomplishment and fulfillment. The same prinicple holds true with the task of character building and spiritual growth.

The course in character development and spiritual awakenings laid out within ImageQuest is a set of clear-sut, simple directions. However, it is not an easy task to complete, and it involves a life-long commitment to self-honesty and personal change. These basic spiritual principles are a way of life, which if practiced on a daily basis, will lead you to complete self-expression, the fulfillment of your talents and aspirations, and the realization of your heart's true desire. It does not promise to make you rich, popular, nor famous, but it does gaurantee that you will become a success at the business of living. You will find true happiness and you will know peace, irrespective of the problems you face. You will one day find yourself thankful for every experience that comes your way, you will enjoy each day, and you will know what it means to feel clean inside and have good things happen in your life. And you will learn that you always have a choice.

     You will not find the answers within these pages that you may seek, it will not change you into someone you aren't, and it will not teach you anything you don't already know. Yet, if followed earnestly, somewhere before you reach the final assignment, the miracle will happen and you will experience a spiritual awakening. At that point, you will realize that everything you hoped to learn from this study, you already know; everything you hoped to find here, you already possess; the answer to every question you have lies within yourself; and everything you've always wanted to be, you already are. This course, if you let it, will merely offer you the road map. As you continue, keep in mind that nothing happens by mistake, and it is no mistake that you have found your way to ImageQuest. There is something here for you to learn and if you do not choose to follow through, you will miss the miracle and you will never know what it was you could have had...

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Inner Sanctum

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Thank You For Visiting...

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(© copyright-Gayla L. Pledger)

If we are to enrich our lives, we must cease fighting
everything and everyone...
including ourselves.
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Guest Book

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Guest Book Courtesy of:
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Visit Issy's Other Fine Establishments...

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This background provided by:
Miss Issy's Boutique

This site owned and maintained by:
Gayla Pledger

Established December 20, 1998
Last updated on or about December 15, 2001


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