The complete form of the albaspielle at present. The wings are in different patterns so you can tell them apart amidst all the twisting. They should actually be the same as the hair. The writing says: "Amarantha Francoise Dyuaaxchs, Self Portrait, the only albaspielleing" and indicates the top of the head at five feet.

The name comes from the ALBAtross and the hummINGbird (the latter can be left out), since the wings were a mixture of the two before designing the joints; from the SPIder, for the eight limbs (four arms, two wings, two legs) and the ability to make thread (although the protein glands and spinnerettes are at the head, not the lower abdomen); and for the gazELLE. That's a bit for the neck, although the albaspielle has eighteen vertebrae in the neck compared to all mammals' seven. Mostly, it sounds better with that thrown in.

Here, read how the first albaspielle came to be. A very detailed description. You might not get where the plot is, but that's not what's important now.

Another picture by Sacree Smolenski. Based off the first picture. Her comment: "It's a spider puppy!" I'm apparently holding a crystal ball which is still unbroken. I must be more gracefull as an albaspielle.

How an albaspielle looks with unfolded wings against a midnight full moon.

Organizing the proportions, and how the third and fourth arms fit between the wings and the legs.

The hand with claws both in and out, the horns before I decided on spinerettes, and some wings. Writings say: under horns: "Horn (side view) (front view) short, usually covered by hair made out of fingernail stuff; greatly thickened stratum lucidum of epidermis, eliminate stratum corneum, stratum generativum" in hand: "seven fingers, two opposable thumbs/hand, 4 hands, each digit has retractable claws, also, feet are like this two feet or elongate into a deer/horse/goat/cow/giraffe centaur w/4/6/8 feet?" by wing: "40', 2' at connection, 4' at widest" at bottom: "Look into water resistant fibers for fur"

Wings unfolded, muzzles, and tooth order. Writings say: in largest wing: "silky, red-brown-gold, curly fur can straighten more" in smallest wing: "good- shaped like hummingbird elongates" on right: "'Lengthen my jaw the width of . . . oh . . . three more canines behind the first and, if it's not too much trouble, grow back my wisdom teeth. They were taken from me.'" in arch: "shape" by arch: "1 central incisor 2 lateral incisor 3 first canine 4 second canine 5 third canine 6 fourth canine 7 first premolar 8 second premolar 9 first molar 10 second molar 11 third molar 12 wisdom tooth teeth top & bottom, left & right" below muzzles: "mouth and nose confined & elongated into deer's nose"

Folded wing.

An early version of the albaspielle, when the torso was more humanoid and with four feet. A cross between the albaspielle and the centaur.

Other possible wings and other winged creatures.

Another winged humanoid. This one is more angelic and symbolic.

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