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Top Ten Reasons why WoT is better than men! (careful, it's kinda crude)

10) Women actually have power and influence in society without having to take their tops off.
9) When the cover falls off, you can buy a new copy.
8) Tel'aran'rhiod has some interesting implications for realizing daydreams.
7) When the book starts whining, you can legally smack the crap out of it.
6) Two words: Marriage Knife.
5) While waiting for the next installment, you can read other books without WoT complaining about it.
4) WoT is there to please you, no matter what time of the month it is.
3) The art of the Sniff.
2) Good girls like bad boys. (go Mat!)
1) When you're done with it, it goes on a shelf.

--- the Dark Amrylin