Hopelessness shall rise across the Board
and darken every thread. And there shall
shall neither be a new book nor any other
hint from RJ, and he who shall be born
in the north, though not of a maiden,
according to prophecy, shall stubbornly rant
and raise new discussions, and the Board shall
scream in pain. All glory be to the Creator,
and to the Light, and to he who shall rant.
May the Light save us from him.

-Commentaries on the Goatarian Cycle, 1999 1.age


A masterpiece!

Why, shakespeare himself couldn't do bored-er!

My tribute to the powers of the almighty Bored (May it be Bored forever) MS.

The Penguins sing and the Hamsters take flight.
A mere board by day, but the Bored by night.
Hungry Hamster, Filching Penguin, jackdaw fool.
Let the Bored of Boredom Rule.

--chant from a boring children's game
heard in Great Boredalon,
the Bored Age.

*ranting about to take place*
I am He Who Comes With The Bored, the Dragon Rebored, the Boredamoor! Face me, Yoda, I AM THE BORED!!!
*end of rant*

Thief knelt in the Pit of Boredom, and for once he did not care that Fenrik Uno watched his trembling with that one-eyed, impassive gaze. "Have I not done well, Great Bored?"
The Great Bored's laugher filled Thief's head.

"And the Glory of the Bored did bore him.
And the Peae of the Bored did he bore men with.
Boring nations all around. Making one bored with many.Yet the shards of boredom did bore wounds.
And what was once bored was bored again
--in fire and in sorm and in boredom
splitting all in boredom.
For his boredom...
--for his boredom...
... was the boredom ...
... was the boredom ...
... of the bored.
And the Glory of the Bored did shine upon the Board.

--from "Glory of the Bored"
composed by Dragon sol Thief, the Bored Age