Theorylanders 20 years from now

brought to you by Dragon Thief

Uno will still be whining that he never has enough glue, even though all the mules are long and gone.

MS will become president of the S&M club down the road from Uno's place.

Dragon Thief will be trying to hide his old age in some of Watcher's old fancloth.

Frenzy will be using a cane with an attached steel-toed boot to beat people senseless instead of her foot.

Goldeneyes will still be thinking about that chocolate bar he lost in third grade...

Layla will finally get her car to work right, will be able to quit her job, and will spend her days yelling at camels.

Deornoth will figure out how to use shrooms to lengthen a deer's lifespan, as they normally wouldn't be around for 20 years.

Watcher will be yelling at the rest of us "young whipper-snappers" that we better not even think of putting a little something in his wine.

John Snow will be laughing, saying how good shape he is still in because of that glass of wine at every dinner along with his pipe.

Lanfear will finally throw her dreaded niliov away.

Thump will own the world's largest supply of tylenol due to his headache at thumping the walls.

Tamyrlin will finally finish getting theoryland updated, moved, etc.

Spidy will have a tolerance for XXXX no other man could hope to match. His backside will permantly look like a banana lounge as well.

The Infinite Monkey will curse that he still hasn't got his paper typed right.

Aldarion will finally come out of hiding for good, and Frenzy will prompty take after him with her cane-boot.

Garet Jax will follow in Aldarion's footsteps.

Tsorovan'm'hael will still be called bootlicker, and he'll still sulk that no one thought of him as the greatest of all posters.

Eilonwy will turn out to be the only sane and normal person among us.

Camaris will finally give up on hunting DT down, and recognize DT as more than a match for him.

Sven will start posting on the board again, only to realize that the board moved again.

" listen up, my old days we really had some theories..." Glass shakes as he takes out his teeth and puts them back in, " youngins don't know the meaning of the word Chosen!!!"

The old man takes a breath, and looks aroudn the room, rather uncertain-like... "There was this crazy fellar called DT..." Takes a drink of water out of the glass he just pulled his teeth from. "...they called him Drag thief on the account of him stealing women's clothing....Now where did I put my teeth.."