ShadowRun Advice
Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.
If something does go wrong, it will go wrong in the worst possible way and at the worst possible time.
Never underestimate anyone.
Never overestimate them either.
Don’t get cocky, you probably only survived because of luck.
Try not to get shot: just because you downgraded the damage from that last bullet doesn’t mean you will do it again.
Keep track of ammo: the worst sound in the world is the click of your empty gun.
There is a reason why you have a survival instinct: listen to it!
When you are outnumbered, use every means available to even the odds.
Don’t kill people if you don’t have to: hopefully, they’ll extend the curtisy to you.
If you can’t win, Run Away. That way you can try again some other day.
Do everything you can to aviod situations where you could die: it lengthens your life-span considerably.
Learn skills other than ones related to combat.
Be unpredictible: it throws off assassins.
The best plan only lasts until it is put into action. Know how to improvise.
If all else fails, try talking.
Being the best means that you are a target for all the people who want to be the best. Then someday, you’ll no longer be the best, and you’ll be dead.
Beware of anyone called The Grand Vizior or anything similar. They’re always scheming megalomaniacs.
Be careful of anything that looks too good to be true: it usually is.
There is always an easier way. And it’s usually guarded.
Beware of immortal elves: there is a reason why they have not died yet.
A million-to-one shots do NOT work nine times out of ten.
Never do anything that "just might be crazy enough to work."
If you can't bet an enemy by shooting or hitting them, try something else.
Violence should be a last resort.
Keep your friends close and your enemies as far away as possible.
Always have a back way out.
Make sure to have a plan B.
Driving on the wrong side of the road is just asking for trouble.
Always stay on your toes. Even if you've finished your run, somone, somewhere, could be starting theirs, and you could be the target.
Make sure you have back-up equipment. And keep it in a safe place.
Never mix business and pleasure.
Fill up on gas whenever you can. You never know when your next chance will be.
Remember that you can always buy more gear. You only have one life.
Just because something is rumored does not make it true.
Trouble seldom happens when you are ready for it.