*heather: the faq*

1. Who are you anyway?
I'm a student, singer, and actress from Arkansas. Hi.

2. Why the name "dark rain"?
dark-rain is the name I used to chat under on IRC, etc. Now, on the rare occasions that I'm chatting, you can usually find me under the name ^BabyBat^.

3. So you're a goth. Does that mean you're all depressed and stuff?
Nope. Not at all. (If I get asked enough, it just might depress me though.) And no, I don't want to be dead or think I'm a vampire or anything else like that. Thanks for not pinning your stereotypes on me. :)

4. Do you have one of those spooky sounding goth names?
No, unless you think "Heather" is spooky. I had a friend in college that always called me "the gothic Barbie." I kinda like that. And at clubs, I'm usually referred to as "Hex."

5. Are you single?
Nope. I happen to be married to the most wonderful guy. Visit him here. Our wedding was July 27, 2002. Eventually, I'll get around to finishing our website. (You can see what I have so far here.)

6. So what color is your hair really?
Originally, it was a boring medium brown color. Then I got the urge to dye back in 10th grade. Since then, it's been auburn, burgundy, black, blue, dark brown, and bright red.

7. What if I think of another question to ask you?
You can write me at missperkygoth(at)hotmail.com. But then, you'll know way too much and I'll have to kill you.

8. Really?
Try me... :)

Ok, take me home...