Temple of Vanessa

Room 7

SOD May 96:

Can Jax replace Sonny in Brenda's heart? Vanessa replies: "There's no denying that she will never have anything like what she had with Sonny with anyone else. I dont know if they will get back together, but she has fun with Jax."

Clothes Encounters - SOD May 96:

Vanessa: "Brenda has a very cool, irridescent red pantsuit by Anna Sui - it has real narrow-legged pants and a thin jacket. I love Brenda's suits, because I'm a tomboy and I hate wearing dresses."

Costume Designer Bob Miller: "We're very true to Brenda's colors. She basically wears red, black or white, with some of the Calvin Klien or Armani colors like beige or gray. She doesnt get into prints."

Vanessa Marcil... From Head to Toe!
Since 1992, Vanessa Marcil has carved quite a niche in the Port Charles canvas as Brenda Barrett, former wild teen turned business-woman. While Brenda is still searching for her hearts desire, Vanessa is reaching all her goals, and is headed to the top of her field! Read on for some of the most interesting facts on Ms. Marcil you'll ever see and then some!
Vanessa was nominated by People Magazine as one of the 50 Most Beautiful People in America.
She has appeared in two videos by the Artist formally known as Prince. Vanessa also was handpicked by the Artist to star in a feature film he wrote and directed. While that film was not released, Vanessa played opposite Nona Gaye (daughter of Motown legend Marvin Gaye) and the two dealt with racial, social and sexual issues in this groundbreaking film.

Although she is always in tip top shape, (and has the body that millions of women would love to possess, even for one minute), Vanessa says her favorite pig out food is potato chips! On the other hand, she always has bottled water on hand to quench her thirst.

She was always a fan of General Hospital. Back in 1981, a ten-year-old Vanessa waited in line in a local mall to meet her idol, Anthony Geary. When she made it to the head of the line, her mother took a photo of her with Tony and Vanessa, so overcome with emotion, began to cry! Later, when the film was taken to be developed, it was stolen - so all Vanessa has of this momentous meeting are her own sweet memories.

Before setting her heart on the acting world, Vanessa entertained the idea of becoming a lawyer. She feels that lawyers are definitely actors and that she can convince someone to come to her side in any argument!

Vanessa will always be grateful to the powers-that-be at General Hospital for signing her to a contract role with no professional work under her belt. She has even been quoted as saying that even if she became the most famous actress in the world, she would always come back to GH to visit.

In her spare time, Vanessa volunteers for various causes. She runs and body builds and enjoys riding motorcycles. She also likes: spending days on the beach, singing and seeing films with friends.

Ms. Marcil was born in San Diego, California, but her family soon moved to Anchorage, Alaska, where her father is credited for building the first earthquake-proof structure in the state.

While still a teenager, Vanessa married actor Corey Feldman. She has been quoted as saying that they got really drunk on night and decided to get married in Las Vegas. They stayed wed through Corey's struggles with drugs and liquor and then divorced.

Vanessa recently appeared as Nicolas Cage's pregnant girlfriend in the motion picture The Rock. It was her first time on the big screen and she says the experience was unforgetable!

Although Vanessa has looks to die for, when she cut off her trademark tresses several years ago, people remarked she looked better with her longer hair. "I'd love to shave my head and do a weird film where I'm in an insane asylum and I dont have to be the pretty girl."

Vanessa is one of four children, the youngest in her family. She has a brother, Sammy and two sisters, Tina and Sherry.

Her mother, Pat, has said this of her baby, "Vanessa always had the ability to entertain people. When she was twelve, she entered a music contest. She wrote her own song, played the guitar and won. Then, I began taking her to drama lessons in Palm Springs at the Center Theater. That was when I began to realize that she was really interested in the business."

Pat also said, "I really hope Vanessa keeps a serenity about her career. It really bothers me when people get completely out of hand with their success. I'm sure that wont happen with Vanessa because she's always been this little rock. She has this special quality about her that reminds me of water - she flows when she needs to and can remain still when she needs to."

SOD June 96:

Actors who should have recieved Emmy nominations:

_______________ Vanessa Marcil _______________

She is an organic actress who plays every facet of the omplicated Brenda very believably. Maurice Bernard, Michael Sutton, and Kimberly McCullough were nominated this year, and they would all probably agree that part of the credit goes to the talented Vanessa.

Thumbs UP! Three of Hearts
Soap Opera Digest - June 4, 1996

In the six months since GH busted up Brenda and Sonny, antsy fans have been clamoring for a reconciliation. The usual minor-league plot complications kept them apart - her fling with Miguel; his with Lily. But when Sonny married Lily, well, that was a major roadblock that had Brenda wandering around looking like a lost puppy.

Enter Jax. Sauve and secure, the rich Aussie initially set his cap for Lois. A bored Ms. Barrett pretended to help him. (Actually, she just figured that if she hung out with Jax, Sonny would flip - which he did.) Over time, friendly flirting brought Brenda out of her Sonny funk. How could she not be entertained by a man who imported an oyster feast from Ireland? While Brenda didnt forget about her ex, at least she was enjoying life again.

Her brush with death put things in perspective for everyone. Sonny acknowledged his love for Brenda, while Jax realized his feelings for her were more than platonic. Suddenly, we werent sure how we wanted this story to go. Did we want Brenda with Jax, the nice guy (and darn good kisser) who made her laugh and whisked her off to his Malibu mansion for rest and recreation? Or did we want her to reunite with Sonny, the unrepentant - and passionate - mafioso thug who spurned her affections, but kept loving her? We are torn, a sure sign of a successful romantic tale.

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