
This is one of my very good friends... he hails from the magical and wonderful land of Ohio. Seriously its gotta be magical since all they have is Queers and Corn out there. I think of Nick as one of those "special" people you run into in life (no he doesnt wear a tall white cone hat.. not that kinda special). Rare they are... for they always make you smile and laugh even when you are down. Or call you up in the middle of the night when they are piss ass drunk. Or name their cat's poopstain =o) He is special tho and im glad he came down to visit... to more good times and a life long friendship. I promise i'll get you a new hat!

So just a small update... Nick finally got his ass down here to California to live with the coolest people around. Hehehe no more queer and corn for him... well at least not the corn part. We've had some great times and hes doing pretty damn good for himself... sometimes I think better than I am lol Known to everybody else as Eddy... Nick always amazes me by what he does and will do in the future... Love ya Nick!
