Basic HTML Codes

What they are, What they mean

* Please note when writing HTML use < > where ive used ( )*

(HTML)...(/HTML)--tells browsers the page is written in HTML; entire document goes between the HTML tags
(HEAD)...(/HEAD)--appears just below the HTML tag in every HTML document; contains information about the document but does not appear on Web page
(TITLE)...(/TITLE)--specifies the title of the document; the text between these tags appears in browser's title bar but not on the Web page itself
(BODY)...(/BODY)--contains all the text and images that make up the Web page, together with all the HTML elements that provide the control/formatting of the page
BGCOLOR--attribute of tag; designates color of page's background
BACKGROUND--attribute of (BODY) tag; designates image as page's background (wallpaper)
(H1)-(H6)...(/H1)-(/H6)--codes text as headings; (H1) is the largest, (H6) the smallest
(CENTER)...(/CENTER)--centers text and other elements on page
(BR)--breaks text onto a new line (no vertical space between lines)
(P)--breaks text into a new paragraph (leaves blank line above new paragraph)
(I)...(/I)--creates italic text
(B)...(/B)--creates bold text
(EM)...(/EM)--creates emphasized text, usually italic
(STRONG)...(/STRONG)--creates strongly emphasized text, usually bold
(A)...(/A)--marks text as the start and/or destination of a link; requires the HREF or NAME attribute
HREF--attribute of (A) tag; makes text or image between tags a hyperlink
NAME--attribute of (A) tag; makes text or image between tags the target of a hyperlink
(UL)...(/UL)--creates an unordered (bulleted) list
(OL)...(/OL)--creates an ordered (numbered) list
(LI)--used in conjunction with the (UL) or (OL) tag, designates a list item in an unordered or ordered list
(DL)...(/DL)--creates a definition list
(DT)--used in conjunction with the (DL) tag, designates a definition title in a definition list
(DD)--used in conjunction with the (DL) tag, designates a definition description in a definition list
(IMG)--adds an image to a page; must have SRC attribute
SRC--attribute of (IMG) tag; points to location of digital image file
WIDTH--attribute of (IMG) tag; defines width of image in pixels
HEIGHT--attribute of (IMG) tag; defines height of image in pixels

This list is only a quick reference list of HTML codes, if you are looking for anything not here or would like a more detailed list of HTML elements, the best one that ive found so far is Sandia National Laboratories HTML elements list

I hope that this has helped you to better understand HTML and what the codes mean

