Po Pictures
Po bein' lazy. Jan. 01
Po sleepin'. Jan. 01
Po bein' goofy (he thinks he's a lab...) Jan. 01
Po and Wysk...fetch is an universal word. Jan. 01
One thinks he's a lab, one has his HT..wanna guess who is who!?. Jan. 01
Po in the Sun; June 1999
Po barking at birds (who needs a bird dog when you have him?! Winter of 1998
Po and Brent; Retrieve on Flat; Winter of 1998
Po and Wysk; January Specialties 1997; Po first AKC CDX Leg
Po and Wysk; 4H State Show; 1999 (Po State Champion; Graduate Open. Wysk State Champion; Open)
Po and Wysk in Tuscan, AZ; 1998 Sheltie Nationals
Po and Wysk begging. Fargo KC, June 1999
Po and Wysk Fargo KC; Best Brace (2 days); June 1999