Most of us T*'s claim that it is no problem to go shopping for us, but once in the shop suddenly it becomes more difficult then thought,if not impossible.

here are some suggestions:

  1. DONT BOTHER! (1): I know, I know, it is not so easy, but with some practice you can achieve this goal. When I discussed this with my wife, she told me that until she knew about my TV'ing she never gave a second thought when she saw a man buying fem things. I recon most people are like this. It is just you, who knows what is up, thinking that there is this big, blinking arrow over your head saying: "Transvestite buying female clothes".
  2. DONT BOTHER! (2): So what, even if they guess it is for you, what do you expect? That the sales clerk will shout in the room! "listen all, here is a TV buying some mascara!". He/she will surely not do that, in the worst case they may smile or something. In that case my recation is to think: "at least this guy has something to tell his wife when he comes home". Besides, they have seen it all before.
  3. buy from a cataloge: if you are really too shy to go to the shop and get that dress you were dreaming about, then get it mail-order. You can change the merchandise if you got it wrong.
  4. chose your date: go shopping just before Valentines day or Christmas, and ask the merchandise to be packed as a present. You would be astonished if you knew how many men buy clothes and underwear for their women and girl-friends!
  5. tell them it is for you! I have done that and although I was quite shaky when going in the shop, it ended up to be alot of fun. Here is the story:

    I went into a lingerie shop in a busy shopping mall and said to the lady that I wanted to purchase a complete outfit: bra, slip and garder-belt. On her question "what size?" I answered :"er,.. it is for me".

    She seemed to hesitate only a split second and started to discuss cup-sizes with me. I even went in on of the boothes and tried on one or two bras (well maybe not really, just tried if it went around the chest). We both agreed that a small size would be more natural, but the problem is that the bras with small cups are small around the chest too, and that is painful after some while. She then proposed something I had never thought off: take the small size bra (pushup bra french size 100 A/B) and lengthen the part where you close the bra in your back. She gave me some pieces of material identical to the one of the bra, with the little hooks already on it and I just hat to stitch them on and my new bra fits perfectlt, I can wear it for a whole day without problem.

    By then I was completely relaxed and had some fun, especially when she asked me if I wanted a string or preffered to have "my back-side covered". She must have enjoyed it too, and I never had the impression she laughed at me, I felt I was treated as a women. Guess I have to go there again!

    I left the shops a couple of hundred french francs poorer but with a fitting set of underwear and an interesting experience more.

  6. GO FOR IT EN FEMME If you think you are passable, go shopping en femme, maybe accompagnied by a (real) girl or a male. This is definitely the best way to go shopping (and the most fun too!). Beware of the changing facilities if not individual, the other girls trying on things might think you are a 'voyeur' using a new technique to have a look at them!

what do you think about these proposals? Do you have any tips or interesiting experiences? Please tell me about it and I may add your input to this list:

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