Night Prayer
- “Come, bless the Lord, all you servants of the Lord,
- who stand by night in the house of the Lord!
- Lift up your hands to the holy place, and bless the Lord.
- May the Lord, maker of heaven and earth, bless you from Zion.” - Psalm 134
- O God, come to my assistance. O Lord, hasten to help me.
- The Lord Almighty grant me a restful sleep and peace at the last. Amen.
- “Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on me.
- Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on me.
- Melt me, mold me, fill me, use me.
- Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on me.” - Daniel Iverson, 1926
- Have mercy on me, O God, according to your lovingkindness;
- according to the multitude of your tender mercies blot out my transgressions.
- Wash me thoroughly
from my iniquities and cleanse me from my sins.
- For I acknowledge my
transgressions, and my sin is ever before me.
- Create in me a clean heart, O God, and
renew a right spirit within me;
- through Jesus Christ my Lord. Amen.
- This is the good news:
- Christ died for me while I was yet a sinner;
- this proves God’s love for me.
- All who sincerely repent of their sin
- are forgiven in Jesus Christ. Amen.
- Psalm of Praise (4, 33, 34, 91, 93, 134, 146) & Silence
- As you have made this day, O God, you also make the night.
- Give light for my comfort.
- Come upon me with quietness and still my soul that I may listen for
- the whisper of your Spirit and be attentive to your nearness in my dreams.
- Empower me to rise again in new life to proclaim your praise,
- and show Christ to the world. Amen.
- Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Tthy Name.
- Thy kingdom come, thy will be
done, on earth as it is in heaven.
- Give us this day our daily bread.
- And forgive us our
trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.
- And lead us not into
temptation, but deliver us from evil.
- For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and
the glory, forever. Amen.
- “Master, you are now dismissing your servant in peace,
- according to your word;
- for my eyes have seen your salvation,
- which you have prepared in the presence of all peoples,
- a light for revelation to the nations and for glory to your people Israel.” - Luke 2:29-32
- May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ,
- the love of God the Father,
- and the communion of the Holy Spirit
- be with me now and always. Amen.
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