Indiana Ancestry Web Ring

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Ring Manager: Kim Holly
Assistant Manager: Shannon Busby


The Indiana Ancestry Web Ring is a group of people who have web pages that would be of interest to those searching for genealogical and/or historical information in Indiana. This might include ancestral information on people who resided in Indiana to online records. If you don't have a web page, but would like to visit the web sites in this ring, click here.


First, read the guidelines for joining below and make sure your web site will comply. Next, fill out the following form to submit your site for review to the Ring Manager. Shortly, you will receive an auto-generated e-mail with your site ID number and your custom HTML web ring code (scroll down the e-mail for this). You simply cut and paste your custom code onto your web page. For those of you who do not know how to cut and paste, e-mail me and I'll send you instructions.

You also need to copy the Indiana image (below). To copy the image, right mouse click on the Indiana picture, "Save As" and save it to your hard drive. Upload it to the web server where you will place the web ring logo (GeoCities, AOL, Tripod, etc.). I can help you if you need it. Here is the image you need to copy:

Indiana Ancestry Web Ring Image

NOW WHAT HAPPENS? Until I add you to the ring, you are not a member and are in the "queue" (sort of a waiting room). After you have placed the code on your page and uploaded the Indiana image to your web server, e-mail me so I can make sure it was done correctly. If everything is correct, you will be added to the ring. If you don't let me know you've added the logo (this means the html code and the uploaded image), I wont know you're ready to be added and you might be removed through the "auto-removal" process which occurs when you've been in the "queue" too long. Remember! Let me know when you're ready and don't take too long! Feel free to contact me with any questions - E-Mail Ring Manager.


It's in your best interest to read and abide by the following:

1. Your website must contain information of interest to Indiana reseachers - ie, your ancestors lived in Indiana and you have information about them online; you have online databases with Indiana information - ie, surnames, histories, cemeteries, etc.

2. See guideline #1 regarding information! Your website must have information about your ancestors and may not be simply a page listing the surnames you are researching in Indiana. Your web site must have more than one page!

3. Your website must be safe for children - no adult content or links to sites with adult content.

4. You must copy the html code exactly as it is sent to you. It is custom made for your site. You may NOT change the code or the graphics! Any site changing the code or graphics will not be added to the ring. Any site changing the code or graphics after being added will be removed.

5. You may have the webring logo anywhere on your website as long as you have an obvious link to the webring on your main page. An example would be "Web Rings" - or something similar.

6. You must have the ring html fragment placed on your webpage within one week of submitting your site to the ring or your website will be removed from the queue.

PROJECT COORDINATORS: I have a non-graphic, text only version of this ring logo. This option is available to INGenWeb and IN Biography Project pages only. I will consider other projects on an individual basis. Please submit your site using the form below, then e-mail me with your color preferences and I will e-mail your custom code to you. If you prefer to insert your own color codes or need help choosing a color, here is a color code for your convenience.

AOL USERS: Do not place the code that is e-mailed to you on your web site. You will not receive the code via e-mail in its proper form. Please submit your site for review by using the form below, then e-mail me for instructions on receiving your html ring code.

FTM USERS: You cannot put the ring logo at your FTM web site. You either need another server for your home pages or I will host a web page for your web ring logo. You MUST be willing and able to place a link to the web page I host for you on your FTM page. Please submit your site for review using the form below, then e-mail me if you need further instructions.

Submit Site to Indiana Ancestry Web Ring

Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

That's it. You're done!

Need Help? E-Mail Me!

Members - Edit Your Site Information Here

Enter your site ID and password below:

The Ring ID is inanc.

Site ID:

Can't remember your Site ID? Take a look at the Index of sites for the ring to find yours (the Site ID will be the number listed next to your site).

[Forgot your password?] [Index of Sites in the Ring]

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