A silly little game
That very strangely works...
Ok. For this to work, you have to not cheat. That means, only scroll down bit by bit else you'll spoil it *g*... Also go with the first answers that come into your head, and try not to think too hard about them. Btw, grab a bit of paper and a pen.
Ok. First, write down the numbers 1 to 11 underneath each other down the page, ie:
4. etc...
Beside numbers 1 and 2, write down two numbers.
Besides numbers 3 and 7, write down the names of two members of the opposite sex, or two same sex, (you work it out, whichever you're attracted to duh :) ) These names have to be people that you know, not like Madonna or Lachlan Murdoch or Sporty Spice.
Besides numbers 4, 5 and 6; write down three friends or family members' names.
Besides numbers 8, 9, 10 and 11; write down four song titles.
So by now you *should* have something that looks like this:
1. 14
2. 5
3. Joe
4. Mum
5. Sarah
6. Jane
7. Andrew
8. Drugs don't work
9. Aeroplane (Chilli Peppers song)
10. Kiss me
11. Rainbow Connection.
Now, make a wish.
Ok. Here's the fun bit...
To make your wish happen, you have to tell no. 2 number of people in no. 1 days about this game, so I'd have to tell 5 people in 14 days, but that's a load of rubbish, sorry to burst your bubble *g*.
The person in number 3 is the person you're in love with, or really reallly like. Naturally this is the first name that pops into your head, so no surprises there.
The person in number 7 is the one you like, but can't figure out. So they're your second most favourite person, becos you can't figure them out, so you think of them next.
The person in number 4 is the person you most care about. If you picked your Mum, that's really sweet.
The person in number 5 knows the most about you.
The person in number 6 is your lucky star (I don't know what a lucky star is sorry) Naturally you think of your next 3 fav people ... so this is nothing spooky yet. BUT...
song in number 8, describes the person in number 3, your luv
interest or whoever. Use your imagination, this can require a bit
of interpretation and creative license *g*.
Number 9 describes the person in number 7, the one you can't
figure out.
Song number 10 describes the way you think, and live your life;
and song 11 describes you as a person.
So there you have it. Sometimes it works really really well, so you're sitting there going 'oh shit' and pissing yourself laughing. Sometimes it hardly works at all. It's all only a game anyway, half logic, half chance.
Step back in time...