Losing my religion

Not that I ever really had one...

So I decided to create my own.

I believe in a contradiction. I believe in a fate, a destiny, that everything happens for a reason. There are no such things as accidents.

A girl and a boy bump into each other - surely an accident.
A girl and a boy bump and her handkerchief drops - surely another accident.
But when a girl gives a boy a dead squid - that had to mean something... S.Morganstern.

I don't believe in a higher power such as God, any God. So technically, I'm contradicting myself *twice* cos who/what the hell is fate and destiny then??? Anyway....

I believe that everyone is in control of their own lives. You can't be a wuss and reckon that you're unlucky, or that your horoscope said blah, so you have to avoid all homocidal trolly boys @ Coles this week?? You make the decisions, you do the work. However, there are certain ppl you are *meant* to meet, and certain things that are *meant* to happen, becos you'll learn something from them...  Just don't over-analyse *everything* .  Sometimes a cigar, is just a cigar. And it'll all turn out good.


So here 'tis.... The ELeven.5 Commandments of Esoterica

  1. 1. Answering machines, and voice mail, are evil. Never, ever, ever leave a message. If you absolutely do have to cos it's rooolly important, make it incredibly short, and sound paranoid.
    2. Not that there's anything wrong with that. (any time, any place, any context)
    3. Making sense is not an option.
    4. Gut feelings are gut feelings. Listen to them. And your friends, cos most of the time, they're right.
    5. Don't think *too* much. Thinking is good, especially before you speak, but there is a line!
    6. Vodka and red coridal. Enough said.
    7. Laughter cures all. So do hugs. Alcohol does sometimes. Chocolate most of the time.
    8. There comes a point where you have to tell the truth, lying is no longer an option. Think about this *before* you start! It makes life a *lot* easier.
    9. If you're a pot, don't call the kettle black.
    10. 3 o'clock is always too early or late for what you want to do.
    11. Never compromise yourself for someone else. One word: hedonism.
    11.5 Live for the moment!!!!!

  2. Work like you don't need the money
    Dance like no one is watching
    And Love like it's never going to hurt ! 

  3. Had enuf of my shit ?