

** Why is a bell obedient?

-- It rings only when it is TOLLED!


** How can you tell if there is an elephant in the fridge?

-- The door won't shut!


** What does a caterpillar do on New Year's Day?

-- Turns over a new leaf!


**What farm animal is a cannibal?

--A Cow... it eats it's "fodder"!!


**Why wouldn't the dishwasher's gloves fit?

--Because he had "Dishpan" Hands!


** What do you call a crazy blackbird?

-- A raven lunatic!!


**What do you get if you cross a hippo and a blackbird?

--Lots of broken telephone poles!


**What do you call it when instead of raining cats and dogs, it rains chickens, ducks and turkeys?

--Fowl Weather!!!


*What is the rudest bird?

*A Mockingbird!!


* What is the difference between a prizefighter and a man with a cold?

- One knows his blows, and the other blows his nose!!


* What do you get when you cross a rabbit and a spider?

- A HAREnet!!


**What is the most popular wine at Christmas?

--"Can't we open the presents yet?"


**Why was Santa's little helper depressed?

--Because he had low elf esteem.


**What goes Ho, Ho, Swoosh, Ho, Ho, Swoosh?

--Santa caught in a revolving door!


**Why does Santa Claus go down the chimney on Christmas Eve?

--Because it SOOTS him!


* If a pencil and a piece of paper had a race, which would win?

- The pencil.  (The paper would remain stationary)


** What is a zebra?

-- 26 sizes larger than an "A" bra.


** What kind of coffee was served on the Titanic?

-- Sanka.


** What kind of lettuce was served on the Titanic?

-- Iceberg.


** Why are there so many Smiths in the phone book?

-- They all have phones.


* Who was Snow White's brother?

- Egg White.... get the yolk?


* Did you hear that NASA has launched several Holsteins into low earth orbit?

- It was the herd shot around the world.


* Did you hear that Miss Muffet and Saddam Hussein got together for a meeting last week to discuss their common problem?

- They both have Kurds in their whey.


* What is the difference between a fisherman and a lazy schoolboy?

- One baits his hook, while the other hates his book.



First you get a little hoarse.

Then  you get a little buggy.


** What is the difference between a photocopier and the whooping cough?

-- One makes facsimiles and the other makes sick families.


**  What is always behind time? (besides myself)

-- The back of a watch.


** Where does all the pepper go?

-- No one nose.


** Which animals failed to come to Noah's Ark in pairs?

-- Worms.... they came in apples!


** What do you call a knife that cuts 4 loaves of break at a time?

-- A four-loaf cleaver.


**  Why is someone who never gambles just as bad as a regular gambler?

--  Because he is no better!


** Why is the letter A like a flower?

-- Because a Bee comes after it!


** What do you call a bee born in May?

-- A Maybe.


* Did you hear about the farmer who was found guilty of selling rotten fruit?

- He was judged by his pears!


* When should you use milk to irrigate your fields?

- When you are growing creamed corn.


* What do you call any Concordia Sports Team?

- The punch line is once again... creamed corn.


* What is the formula for water?

- H I J K L M N O !


* Where did King Tut go to ease his back pain?

- The Cairo-practor!


* What did the Scotsman do when he couldn't find a pair of pants?

- He kilt himself.


** What do you need to split an atom?

-- A fission License.


** Why do hurricanes travel so fast?

-- If they traveled slowly, we would have to call them slow-i-canes


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