Mr. Bruce, I wanted to write to you to tell you your web site is producing fruit. A little over a year ago I was asked to chair a church committee for the purpose of developing a resource center within the parish. While researching for the project I came across your website. I thought placing books in the public library was an excellent evangelization tool. Our committee agreed once the parish Resource Center was established the next step would be to place Catholic books in two local public libraries. After a year of research and many stumbling blocks it was determined that a resource center was not practical at this time. Rather than give up all together our focus changed to the public library project. We met with the local librarians who were very cooperative and enthusiastic . As a result our parish will be donating $1000.00 worth of Catholic books, videos and audio cassettes to these two libraries. If the resources show a high circulation rate a second $1000.00 donation will be made in 6-12 months. I want to thank you for sharing your wonderful idea with others and pray for continued fruitfulness.Peace Be With You.