I am currently working on the comics section. What are the planned pages.
The bookstore page is going nowhere which generally suggests that Catholics are not anxious to evangelize.
Ask for comments on the just the text page
Page on writting letters to the editor, would give an excuse to put up old letters.
Could try the names thing.
What about the prayer argument and others .
AM radio reception page needs a rewrite
A page on writing web sites for the Catholic faith
A.First do it and then write about it. B.Collect some links and then write more pages on the subject. C.Keep the graphics down for fast loading. D.Get listed on Dmoz.com Check if you are Peter's net Send out e-mail to big organizations Knights of Columbus Legion of Mary Evangelization organizations What other than webstat are the good free services Ask the university for persmission to use their computers to write public service web sites. Clean room and get set up. It would be healthier to work at home Home page