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Big companies own Voyager, Trek, X-Men, and other sundry.

I do not.

I'm okay with this.









The Dusk Universe

This was a challenge from Queco to rewrite my original Dusk at Sandrine's into a J/P. So I did, and here's the result. Thanks to Tara, Queco, Sorcha, and Sara, who betaed amongst these for me. My gratitude.

Timeline: Post-"Equinox II" until just before "Surivival Instinct".


Dusk at Sandrine's, Version 2

Codes: J, J/P, P/T (C/T)
Summary: Set after "Equinox II". This is an alternate ending to the original Dusk story, which can be found below. Paris and Janeway spend some quality time on the holodeck, and maybe in their loneliness share a little too much.
Rating: NC-17, qualifying as my first true piece of smut.
Note: Only for you, Queco.


The Slip of the Sheet

Codes: J & C, (J/P, P/T, C/T)
Summary: Janeway and Chakotay talk the next morning about what they've done.
Rating: PG-13


Necessary Information

Codes: T, P/T (J/P, C/T)
Summary: Set directly before "Survival Instinct". B'Elanna and Tom go separately to visit that nice space station and have a little chat.
Rating: R