..stalkers and the like..

Okay... Now I may not be the brightest crayon in the box, but more often than not I can tell when I'm not welcome (at least I hope so). Usually I'm a bit paranoid, worrying if I'm driving anyone crazy with my presence. Some people1 could not take the hint if it bit them in their ever-present asses. I used to be a fairly tolerant person--I could brush off annoyance like nobody's business. Hell, I had three brothers and a psycho hose-beast for a mother. It's hard to beat that.

I always looked forward to college, a chance to finally experience freedom and to go somewhere without re-enacting the fucking Spanish Inquisition. Enter the roommate. Before being assigned a roommate, everyone was asked to fill out a questionnaire to better match-up compatible people. I am thoroughly convinced that these papers wither became targets for trashcan-basketball practice or were used to wipe some administrator's ass. Honestly, I think the only thing that I have in common with my roomie is the fact that we're both female, and even that's debatable.

Part II : May 06, 2002

I'd like to add a bit about male stalkers here. Granted, most girls love attention, and I'm no different. But some people can -not- take a hint. You keep quiet, ignore them, and still they don't get the idea. Unfortunately I'm too nice to just say "fuck off", but maybe it's for the best. A certain person comes to mind right now, someone whom I've known for almost two years now and can no longer stand to be around or even talk to. It's -very- akward, and I feel very strange trying to connect with this person. He's one of those people that make it seem like such an honor to be around you, then constantly inquire why you're around them. I was talking to a friend about this earlier today, and he said that it seems like I -like- having a stalker. The truth is, he's right. I -like- the fact that I'm worth that much of someone's time. And I -like- the fact that someone's thinking about me constantly. Okay, well maybe not -constantly-. That's just creepy, lol.

1 these names have been excluded, not because they deserve protection, but because the mere mention of said names give me the most unpleasant shudder

..back to randomness..