Signs of illness to look out for

  1. Body (head to tail):
  2. Eyes, Nose, Mouth:
  3. Ears:
  4. Foster pets weight:
    You should not be able to feel or see the ribs or backbone of the mother or kittens/puppies, if you can they are too thin and you should contact the shelter for advice on special feeding and bring in a fecal sample to rule out parasites.
    Kitten/puppies also shouldn't have huge bellies, they should be well rounded but should not have a large tummy and thin legs, tail and head. Be sure that the kittens/puppies haven't just eaten when looking at the size of the stomach, it's of course much bigger after they eat and before they go to bathroom. If your kittens/puppies have big bellies that stay the same then bring them and a fecal sample in for the tech to look at they might need deworming or some other type of medication.
  5. Signs of illness to look for:
    Besides the weight of dog or cat you should contact the shelter if they show these signs;
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