Signs of illness to look out for
- Body (head to tail):
- excessive itching, selfinfelcted wounds due to itching
(contact shelter, requires medication)
signs of possible frostbite or infection
- skin seems dark or britle anywhere on animal
- puffy, soar or swollen anywhere on animal
- Eyes, Nose, Mouth:
Some of these can be a sign of early URI/Kennel Cough
- clear ocular/nasal discharge
- sneezing and/or coughing
(contact shelter, requires medication)
- thick or green ocular/nasal discharge
- congestion or difficulty breathing
- gagging (may have something loged in through)
- sudden apperance of bumps,itching,sores (normaly allergic reaction)
- Ears:
Some of these can be a sign of earmites or yeast infection
(contact shelter, requires medication)
- any accesive itching at the ears
- can see dark discharge in ears (DO NOT REMOVE, a technician will clean out and treat the problem)
- head tilting
- (floppy eared dogs) ears have strong oder
- any self inflected wound on/in/around the ears
- skin seems dark or britle
- puffy, soar or swollen
- Foster pets weight:
You should not be able to feel or see the ribs or backbone of the mother or kittens/puppies, if you can they are too thin and you should contact the shelter for advice on special feeding and bring in a fecal sample to rule out parasites.
Kitten/puppies also shouldn't have huge bellies, they should be well rounded but should not have a large tummy and thin legs, tail and head. Be sure that the kittens/puppies haven't just eaten when looking at the size of the stomach, it's of course much bigger after they eat and before they go to bathroom. If your kittens/puppies have big bellies that stay the same then bring them and a fecal sample in for the tech to look at they might need deworming or some other type of medication.
- Signs of illness to look for:
Besides the weight of dog or cat you should contact the shelter if they show these signs;
- - smell a lot , and / or have usually smelly fecal that is soft or diarrhea.
- - have blood and/or muces in the stool
- - eat well, but are thin and not gaining any weight.
- - vomitting; please tell the tech if they vomited food, hairball, clear or green/yellow liquid, etc.
- - seems to have little / less energy / lethagic
- - not eating, or eat very little
- - have poor coat condition (fur feels corse) [check that the kitten haven't recently been de-fleaed]
- - urinating more then normal and/or has stronger odor or is orange colored
- - having difficultly going to the bathroom (constipated or straining )
- - look pale (pink nose look white, etc.)
- - used to be good with litter box/house trained but now are missing (normally goes with soft stool)
- - dragging / rubbing their bums on the floor / paper
- - rice like fragments in stool
- - any other abnormal signs
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