Family News - March 2000
March 24, 2000 -- There really hasn't been much to report lately.
Matt's growing, as usual and we're all thinking about the idea of going back to
New York for a visit. Spring is officially here. The trees have been in bloom
for better than a week already and, to our band of transplanted New Yorkers, it
seems as if we've passed from Fall, right over Winter and back to Spring again.
Don't get me wrong... I'm not complaining! I don't miss the snow one little bit.
Besides, even if I did, I could always visit the mountains and see all the snow
I want.
March 7, 2000 -- I've had some people complain that this isn't a genealogy
site. Although I can understand their disappointment, it was never meant to be.
On the other hand, for those of you who are interested in genealogy, here's a
pointer to some potentially helpful information:
March 5, 2000 -- Now that my update schedule here has improved, I can
start putting actual dates on things again. We went to the Pacific Science
Center today and saw Fantasia 2000. Matt really enjoyed it. We also went to the
Pike Street Market (you know, where Tim Hanks and Rob Reiner had lunch in Sleepless
in Seattle?) and all in all, we had a really great time.