The humble page of Guinea Pig

This is a little gift I've made for my beloved hamster, Guinea Pig. Yup, you read that right, my hamster's name is Guinea Pig. SO? (menacing glare) Go ahead and laugh, but my hamster's the sweetest, happiest little thing on Earth.

Sometimes, though, Guinea Pig is a mouthful to say, so in time, Guinea Pig's name has been shortened to:

Pig, Pig-pig, Dodo Bird (long story), Dodo, or mostly, just simply BUBU.

I'd get a pic of him up here, only, I don't have one, and I don' want to put him through the torture of taking one either...

Age: Almost two years old now. His birthday is sometime in late Dec or early January.

Mates: None. He ate up his intended mate when he was about two months old, and my mother has forbidden the idea of getting another mate for him. Anyhow, he seems perfectly happy living on his own and getting all my attention showered on him.

Colouring: He's kinda a dark brown, with black ears, black eyes, and a white stripe across the middle. His underside is white as well.

Favourite food: Hazelnuts. He loves those little things, and I suspect he could happily sit down all day devouring hazelnuts, only, they're so taxing on the pocket that they're a delicacy! :) Haha. Pig regularly "taxes" some from my mother, and my kid brother is a willing accomplice when it comes to feeding Pig hazelnuts.

Hobbies: Sleeping and eating.

Hates: Baths, people snatching hazelnuts from him.

Tricks: Knows how to listen out for his dozen names, and a knack for turning his butt towards my mother whenever she calls him.

Unusual characteristics: Has never uttered a sound before, not even when he was a wee thing. I mean, usually baby hamsters squeal from time to time, but not Pig. Another strange thing about him is that he doesn't exercise on his exercise wheel. He likes to sit on it and watch the world go by.