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Spirit Park Mosaic Sculpture

Project: Community sculpture erected by Art City in Winnipeg, located in Spirit Park, a West Broadway community garden on Young Street, just north of Broadway

Teacher/Artist: Bruce Walther from Vancouver

Medium: Tile and glass mosaic on a concrete dome

Theme: The sun giving life to all living things on earth

Basic design: Bruce Walther

Design of the living things: Community members, adults and children

Date of outdoor work: August 31 to September 14, 2005

Here is a pictorial documentation of the outdoor work with photos by Traute Klein, Katharina Stieffenhofer, and Bruce Walther. Hold the mouse over each image to read the captions.

The indoor gang surveys Bruce's first outdoor work 5.9.

Center pieces laid 31.8.  First two wedge pattern pieces being measured for fit 1.9. . Herta watching Bruce cementing the first wedge 2.9.

Traute replacing a mismatched design with flying imaginary insects 4.9. . Finishing the background for the insects 4.9.

Traute & Art City photography instructor filling in the blank spaces . Traute & Art City photography instructor plugging holes with tiles 2.9.

Finishing the last unfinished pieces 6.9., Bruce, Jenny, Traute . Some more finishing touches 6.9., Bruce, Jenny, Traute

Cutting and cementing in the last missing pieces of tile 7.9. . First application of grout 7.9.

Traute's owl surrounded by Herta's tree and turtle 7.9. . Traute's owl surrounded by Herta's tree and turtle

Bruce washing off excess grout 7.9. . Traute scraping off excess grout 7.9.

Protecting the drying grout from the elements 7.9. . A last view of Spirit Park 7.9.

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