Sunset Beach
January 6, 1997 - December 31, 1999

Well, folks, it's over. No more "Sunset Beach." Everyone associated with the show has moved on, and it's passed by just as quickly as it came. And everyone deserves a big cheer for all the hard work they put in. So, every few days, we'll be spotlighting a different cast member, starting in alphabetical order with the cast, then some of the bigger recurring characters, and then moving on to crew. We are now on the fifth cast member. To review past spotlights visit: Spotlight Archives.


Character: Amy Nielsen

"Amy," I would sigh drunkenly whenever Krissy wiggled onto the screen. I don't know what I'm gonna do without seeing my soap crush three-to-five days a week. The most adorable girl in the entire world, and Amy couldn't get anyone to love her for anything. I never will understand that. But Krissy was always fun. She had some nasty schemes, like driving Emily blind and slipping Sean a potion to make him sleep with her (yeah, like he'd need the power of Mrs. Moreau to do that!), but it could never get so bad that you weren't interested in what she'd try to pull next. And I don't just say that because I'm crazy about her, because I was always intrigued by her schemes even back when I hated to see Amy coming. I'm going to miss seeing her sweet smile; it never failed to brighten my day. - Duante

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